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Home » Book Back Question and Answers » Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Books English Medium Local Self Government

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Books English Medium Local Self Government

Social Science : Civics : Chapter 5 : Local Self Government

I Choose the correct answer

1. Which committee was appointed by the planning commission in 1985?

  1. Balwant Rai Mehta
  2. Ashok Mehta
  3. G V K Rao
  4. L.M.Singhvi

Ans : c) G V K Rao

2. The Uthiramerur stone inscription show evidences of prevelant local government during the …………… period of Tamil Nadu

  1. Chola
  2. Chera
  3. Pandiya
  4. Pallava

Ans : a) Chola

3. The 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendment Acts, was enacted during the year in ……………

  1. 1992
  2. 1995
  3. 1997
  4. 1990

Ans : a) 1992

4. …………… act as the inspector of Village Panchayat.

  1. Commissioner
  2. District Collector
  3. Councillors
  4. Mayor

Ans : b) District Collector

II. Fill in the blanks

1. …………… is known as the ‘Father of Local Government;.

Ans : Lord. Ripon

2. Restoration of …………… has become an article of faith during our freedom struggle.

Ans : Panchayats

3. …………… was the name of the select ballot method exercised to elect members to the village councils during the Chola period.

Ans : Kudaolaimurai

4. Local Government which function in villages are called ……………

Ans : Village panchayat

5. …………… will look after the administration of the Town Panchyat.

Ans : Executive Officer

III. Match the following

1. Zilla ParishadVillages
2. Gram SabhasMayor
3. Ward CommitteesChairman
4. Panchayat UnionDistrict Collector
5. CorporationMunicipalities

Ans: 1 – C, 2 – A, 3 – E, 4 – D, 5 – B

IV. IV. Find out the correct statement

  1. Panchayat Union is formed by grouping of Districts.
  2. District Panchayat is constituted in each village.
  3. Te Municipal Commissioner will be a person from the Indian Administration Service (IAS).
  4. In Village Panchayat, the President and ward members are elected by the people.

Ans: iv) is the correct statements

V. Answer in brief.

1. Name the taxes levied by the village panchayat.

  1. Property Tax.
  2. Professional Tax.
  3. House Tax.
  4. Taxes for connection of drinking water.
  5. Land Tax.
  6. Taxes levied on shops.

2. List out the salient features of Tamil Nadu Panchyat Raj Act 1994.

  • A three tier system.
  • Gram Sabha.
  • Establishment of Election Commission.
  • Constitution of Finance Commission.
  • Reservation of seats for SC/ST’s proportionate to their population.
  • One third reservation of seats for women and
  • Constitution of District Planning Committees.

3. Mention the important functions of the Village Panchyat.

  • Supply of drinking water.
  • Maintenance and cleaning of roads.
  • Maintenance of village libraries.
  • Maintenance of small bridges.
  • Granting permission to the housing plots.
  • Maintenance of drainage & street lights.
  • Construction of group houses.
  • Maintenance of burial grounds.

4. Which are the voluntary functions of the local government?

  • Maintenance of street lights in the villages.
  • Maintenance of markets and fairs.
  • Implantation of trees.
  • Maintenance of play grounds.
  • Maintenance of parking vehicles, slaughter houses and cattle sheds.
  • Control over places of exhibition.

5. Name the urban local governments.

  1. Town Panchayat
  2. Municipality
  3. Corporation.

VI. Answer in paragraph

1. Write in details about the salient features of the 73rd and 74th Constitutional amendment Act (1992).

The salient features of the 73rd and 74th Constitutional amendment Act (1992) are –

  • Panchayats and municipalities will be institutions of self government.
  • Grama Sabhas (Villages) and Ware Committees (Municipalities) comprising.
  • Three-tier system of panchayats at village, taluk and district levels.
  • Seats at all levels filled by direct elections
  • Seats reserved for chairpersons of the Panchayats at all levels also shall be reserved at proportion to their population
  • One-third of the total number of seats reserved for women.
  • Uniform five year term.

2. Describe the major proboems & challenges faced by the Local self governments.

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The problems and challenges facing the Local self Governments are –

  • Lack of clear demarcation of powers and functions of l0cal bodies.
  • Allocation of funds and needs assessment are not marched.
  • Role of caste, class and religion in decision making at the local self governments
  • Poor accountability of elected members and officials at the grass root levels of democracy.

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