Social Science : Civics : Chapter 6 : Road Safety
I. Answer the following
1. What are the benefits of wearing helmet while driving?
- It helps to reduce traffic accidents.
- It also help us to protect our body from accident injuries.
2. List out the factors of road accidents.
- Drunk and drive.
- Distractions to drive.
- Red light jumping.
- Over taking in a wrong manner.
3. Which colour in the signal mean ‘stop’?
Red colour.
4. List out any three road safety rules.
- Follow the traffic rules.
- Don’t consume liquor and drive.
- Avoid rash driving.
5. What are the direct consequences of accidents?
- Fatality (death)
- Injury
- Damage to property
6. Mention the preventive measures for accidents.
- Education and awareness about road safety.
- Strict enforcement of law.
- Engineering – i) vehicle design and ii) road infrastructure.
II. Answer in paragraph
1. Write the factors involved in road accidents.
Drivers :
Over speeding, rash driving, violation of rules, failure to understand signs and alcohol.
Pedestrians :
Carelessness, illiterary, crossing the road at wrong places, jaywalkers.
Passengers :
Projecting their body parts outside vehicles, vehicles from the wrong side, travelling on foot boards, catching a running bus, etc.
Vehicles :
Failure of breakes or steering, tyre burst, insufficient headlights, overloading.
Road conditions :
Potholes, damaged roads, eroded roads merging or rural roads with highway And illiegal speed breakers.
Weather conditions :
Food, snow, heavy rainfall, wind storms, hail storms.
2. Explain in detail: The road safety rules.
It is important to know about safety rules and regulations to avoid accidents. Here, a few basic road safety rules are given.
- Know the traffic signals.
- Stop, Look and Cross the road.
- Pay attention – Listen.
- Don’t run on roads.
- Always use side walks.
- Never stick hands outside the vehicle.
- Never cross road at bends.
- Don’t rush.
- Keep left.
- Crossing at zebra line