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Home » Book Back Question and Answers » Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Books English Medium Forms of Government

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Books English Medium Forms of Government

Social Science : Civics : Chapter 4 : Forms of Government

I. Fill in the blanks

1. ……………, …………… are a few examples for unitary form of government.

Ans : England and France

2. The Parliamentary government is also known as ……………

Ans : Cabinet /ministry

3. In the parliamentary form of government …………… is the leader of the majority party.

Ans : Prime Minister

II. Fill in the blanks

CountryName of the Parliament
1. USACongress
2. NorwayStorting
3. DenmarkFolketing

III. Distinguish Between

1. Unitary and federal forms of government.

Unitary forms of GovernmentFederal forms of Government
1. In a Unitary form of government, all the powers are vested in a single centre.In this government, powers are divided between the national and the regional governments.
2. England, France, Japan and Sri Lanka are examples of Unitary form of government.U.S.A., Russia, Canada and Brazil are the examples of Federal form of government.

2. Parliamentary and presidential forms of government

Parliamentary forms of Government Presidential form of Government
1. President is supremeCentral Legislature is supreme
2. Separation of powerAbsence of separation powers centralisation
3. Individual leadershipCollective leadership
4. Prime minister is from the majority partyPresident is directly elected by the people

IV. Give short note on

1. Democracy in Nepal.

  • On April, 2006 the leaders of Nepal vibrant pro-democracy civil society movement “Seven Party Alliance” (SPA) called for a million strong demonstrations to be staged at 7 different points along the Ring road encircling the capital Kathmandu.
  • The millions of citizens who made up the people’s movement demanded end to autocratic rule of monarchy and restoration of total democracy in the Himalayan kingdom.
  • An unprecedented development forced the King Gyanendra to step down and paved the way for democracy.

2. Unitary form of government

  • The Unitary form of government is a sovereign state governed as a single entity.
  • In a Unitary form of government, all the authority and power is vested in a single centre.
  • England, France, Japan and Sri Lanka are examples of Unitary form of government.

V. Answer the following

1. List out the types of constitution.

  • Written constitution/Unwritten constitution
  • Federal/Unitary constitution
  • Flexible/Rigid constitution

2. What are the merits of a federal government?

  • Division of power between centre and states leads to administrative efficiency.
  • It gives rise to big states.
  • Distribution of powers check the despotism of the Central government.
  • More suitable for bigger countries.
  • It is good for economic and cultural progress.

3. Write down the differences between unitary form of government and federal form of government.

Unitary forms of GovernmentFederal forms of Government
1. Only one Level Government or sub units.Two Levels of Government.
2. Mostly single citizenship. Dual citizenship.
3. Sub Unites cannot operate independently.Federal units are answerable to Central Government.
4 No Division of power.Division of power.
5 Centralization of power.Decentralisation of power.

VI. Answer in detail

1. Write about the merits of Unitary form of government.

The merits of the Unitary form government are-

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  • Suitable for small countries.
  • There is no conflict of authority and responsibility.
  • A Unitary government will make prompt decisions and take speedy action.
  • A unitary government is less expensive.
  • Amendments to the constitution are easy.
  • There is unity, uniformity of law, policy and administration.

2. Write about the presidential form of government and what is the difference between presidential and parliamentary forms of government?

  • In the Presidential form of government, President is the head of State.
  • He is elected by an electoral college for a fixed tenure.
  • The President governs with the help of a cabinet or a small body called ‘Kitchen Cabinet’.
  • This government is also known as non-parliamentary or fixed executive system of government.
  • The difference between the Presidential and Parliamentary form of government are
Presidential forms of Government Federal form of Government
1. President is directly elected by the people.Prime Minister is from the majority party.
2. President is supreme.Central Legislature is supreme.
3. Separate powers.Absence of separation powers.
4. Independence branches.Independent branches with overlapping functions.
5. President is the head of state.President is the head of state.
6. President is the head of the government.Prime Minister is the head of the government.
7. Individual leadership.Collective leadership.
8. President is not accountable to Congress.Collective and individual responsibility

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