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Home » Book Back Question and Answers » Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Books English Medium Human Rights

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Books English Medium Human Rights

Social Science : Civics : Chapter 3 : Human Rights

I Choose the correct answer

1. Apartheid’ was followed by ……………

  1. South Sudan
  2. South Africa
  3. Nigeria
  4. Egypt

Ans : b) South Africa

2. …………… right exercises in the formation and administration of a government.

  1. Social
  2. Economic
  3. Political
  4. Cultural

Ans : c) Political

3. A 10 year old boy is working in a shop. Which right can you use to recover him?

  1. Right to equality
  2. Right to freedom
  3. Right against exploitation
  4. Right to freedom of Religion

Ans : c) Right against exploitation

4. Which one of the following rights has increased the infuence of the people over bureaucracy?

  1. Right to equality
  2. Right to information
  3. Right to education
  4. Right to freedom

Ans: b) Right to information

5. What is the time limit to get the information from RTI Act 2005?

  1. 20 days
  2. 25 days
  3. 30 days
  4. 35 days

Ans : c) 30 days

6. Which of the following statements are true?

i) The state Human Rights commission was established in 1993.ii) It has the power of a civil count.
iii) It’s power extend beyond the state.iv) It can also recommend compensation to victims.
  1. i and ii are true
  2. i and iii are true
  3. i, ii and iii are true
  4. i, ii and iv are true

Ans : d) i, ii and iv are true

7. . …………… right was removed from the fundamental Rights by the 44th Amendment.

  1. Right to own (or) sell property
  2. Right to freedom of religion
  3. Child labour and right against exploitation
  4. None of the above

Ans : d) None of the above

8. Consider the following statements.

Assertion (A) : Rights and duties are the two sides of the same coin.

Reason (R) : We have a right to freedom of religions. We have to promote harmony and the spirit of the people of other religions.

  1. both A and R are correct and R explains A
  2. both A and R are correct but R does not explain A
  3. A is correct but R is false
  4. A is false but R is correct

Ans : a) both A and R are correct and R explains A

9. According to the UNO a child is a person who has not completed the age of …………… years.

  1. 12
  2. 14
  3. 16
  4. 18

Ans : d) 18

10. Kailash Satyarthi and Malala have been awarded Nobel Prize for ……………

  1. Literature
  2. Peace
  3. Physics
  4. Economics

Ans: b) Peace

I. Fill In The Blanks

1. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was adopted on …………

Ans : 10th December 1948

2. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights Contains ………… articles.
Ans : 30

3. The fundamental Duties were incorporated in the Constitution by ………… Amendment Act.

Ans : 42nd

4. The National Human Rights commission was established on …………

Ans : 12th Oct. 1993

5. ……………..Act came into effect on 1st April 2010.

Ans : Right to Education

6. Indian state to implement women ancestral property Act in 1989 was …………

Ans : Hindu Succession Act

7. The Civil Rights movement in the United State was initiated by …………

Ans : Rosa Parks

III Match the following

1. Right to VoteCultural Rights
2. Right to form unionRight against exploitation
3. Right to preserve traditionPolitical Rights
4. Te Hindu Succession ActRight to freedom
5. Child labour2005

Ans : 1 – C, 2 – D, 3 – A, 4 – E, 5 – B

IV. Give short answers 

1. What is Human Right?

The right inherent to all human beings, regardless of race, gender, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion or any other status is called as Human Rights.

2. What are the fundamental rights?

Fundamental rights are required for the all round development of a human being.

They are –

  • Right to Equality.
  • Right to Freedoms.
  • Right against Exploitation.
  • Right to Freedom of Conscience and Religion.
  • Cultural and Educational Rights for minorities.
  • Right to Constitutional Remedies.

3. What are the Child Rights defined by the UNO?

The Child Rights defined by the UNO are-

  • Right to life.
  • Right to family environment.
  • Right to Education.
  • Right to benefit from Social security.
  • Right against sexual exploitation.
  • Right against sale or trafficking.
  • Right against other forms of exploitation like Child labour.

4. Write a short note on the Right to Constitutional Remedies.

  • Fundamental Rights are guaranteed by the Constitution.
  • If any right is denied to a person, the affected person can approach the court to get the right.
  • The courtthen issues orders which are called ‘Writs’ to the government to restore the rights to the citizen.
  • The Constitutional Remedies put to right anything which may be wrong in terms of the Constitution. This right therefore protects and safeguards all other rights.

5. Define: POCSO

  • It is the responsibility of the state to protect children from sexual exploitation and abuse.
  • To protect the children, the government passed Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act in 2012.
  • It regards the best interest of the child as being of paramount importance at every state.

6. Why do children need special attention?

The children needs special attention because –

  • They don’t know what is right and what is wrong.
  • Interpersonal Relationship with Peers.
  • Due to disability.
  • Changes that take place during the adolescence stage.
  • They are the future citizens of the country.

7. What are the contributions to labourers by B.R. Ambetkar?

Dr.B.R. Ambedkar’s contributions to labourers are –

  • Reduction in Factory Working Hours (8 hours a day).
  • Compulsory Recognition of Trade Unions.
  • Employment Exchange in India.
  • Employees State Insurance (ESI).
  • Minimum Wages.
  • Coal and Mica Mines Provident Fund

8. ‘All are equal before law’. But we have enacted a separate law for women – Justify

  • All are equal before the law. It is not practically followed in India. Women were not treated equally with men.
  • So, the National Commission for Women (NCW) is formed to review the constitutional and legal safeguards for women. It recommended remedial measures to the government.
  • Based on that, the Tamil Nadu government passed the Hindu Succession (Tamilnadu Amendment) Act in 1989 and the Central government amended the Act in 2005.

9. Write about the Right aganist exploilation.

  • It is against the law of employ children below 14 years of age in mines. Factories or other occupations.
  • Neither contractor nor an employ can force a worker to do a job against their will.

10. Differentiate: Fundamental Rights and Human Rights.

Fundamental RightsHuman Rights
1. The rights that a human being deserves to survive with respect and freedoms.The elemental rights of the citizens of a country, which are listed in the constitution.
2. Human rights are recognised at international level.Fundamental rights are guaranteed under the constitution of the country

V. Answer in detail

1. Write a paragraph about UDHR.

  • The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a milestone document in the history of human rights.
  • The Declaration was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in Paris on 10th December 1948 (General Assembly resolution 217A).
  • The first time it sets out the fundamental human rights to be universally protected and the UDHR has been translated into many languages.
  • There are 30 articles in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and it guarantees freedom of expression as well as civil, political, social, economic and cultural rights.
  • These rights apply to all people, irrespective of their race, gender and nationality, as all people are born free and equal. Many of its guarantees have become standard norms today.
  • Thus, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) has played a crucial role in promoting human rights

2. What are fundamental duties? How would you follow these in your school premises?

  • To give respect for the Constitution and national symbols.
  • To follow and cherish the noble ideals which inspired our National Struggle for freedom.
  • To uphold and protect the sovereignty, unity and integrity of India.
  • To defend the country and render national service when called upon to do so.
  • To promote harmony and spirit of common brotherhood amongst all the people of India.
  • To value and preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture.
  • To protect and improve the natural environment and have compassion on living creatures.
  • To develop the scientific temper, humanism and the spirit of inquiry and reform.
  • To safeguard public property and to abjure from violence.
  • To strive towards excellence. So, that the nation constantly rises to higher levels of endeavour and achievements.
  • To provide opportunities for education to the child or ward up to the age of 14 years.

3. How does the National Human Rights Commission protect our rights?

Functions of NHRC:

  • To inquire into the violation of human rights or negligence in the prevention of such violation by a public servant
  • To intervene in court proceedings relating to human rights
  • To undertake and promote research in the field of human rights
  • To engage in human rights education among various sections of society
  • To encourage the effects of NGOs and institutions working in the field of human rights.

4. What are the benefits for workers provided by labour law?

General benefits to workers:

  • Reduction in Factor working hours
  • Compulsory recognition of Trade Unions
  • Employment Exchange in India.
  • Employees State Insurance (ESI) • Minimum wages
  • Coal and Mica Mines Provident Fund.

Special benefits for women workers:

  • Mines Maternity Benefit Act,
  • Women Labour Welfare Fund,
  • Women and Child Labour Protection Act,
  • Maternity Benefit for Women Labour
  • Restoration of Ban on Employment of Women on Underground Work in Coal Mines.

5. How do you enjoy the fundamental rights in your life?

Right to equality:

It implies equality before the law. No one is above the law of the country. There is no distinction between officials and private citizen and no discrimination on the basis of caste, creed, religion, sex, etc .

Right to freedom:

This right is the most significant and important for the citizens. This right confers some positive rights to promote the ideal of liberty.

Right against exploitation:

Right against exploitation prohibited traffic in human beings and forced labour and employment of child in factories, mines or in any other hazardous place.

Right to religion:

Indian Constitution has adopted secularism and declared India as a secular state. There is no state religion in India. By celebrating all the festivals in the school and visiting the houses of our friends without any discrimination, we can bring unity in the society.

Right to culture and education:

The Constitution of India guarantees cultural and educational rights for all section of people irrespective of their religious, racial and cultural diversity.

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Right to constitutional remedies:

A right without remedy is a meaningless formality. If Fundamental Rights have been violated, one can move the court for redressal. If we follow the above rights carefully, there is no need to use this. Only then, peace will be there in the country and people can enjoy the life

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