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Home » Book Back Question and Answers » Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Books English Medium Tamil Nadu Agriculture

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Books English Medium Tamil Nadu Agriculture

Social Science : Economics : Chapter 4 : Tamil Nadu Agriculture

I. Choose the correct answer

1. Irrigated land surface out of cultivation land is ……………

  1. 27%
  2. 57%
  3. 28%
  4. 49%

Ans : b) 57%

2. Out of the following, which is not a food crop?

  1. Bajra
  2. Ragi
  3. Maize
  4. Coconut

Ans : d) Coconut

3. The productivity of paddy during the year 2014-15 is ……………

  1. 3,039 kg
  2. 4,429 kg
  3. 2,775 kg
  4. 3,519 kg

Ans : b) 4,429 kg

4. Both agricultural productivity and food productivity has ……………

  1. Decreased
  2. Not stable
  3. Remained stable
  4. Increased

Ans : d) 4,429 kg

5. The North-East monsoon period in Tamil Nadu is ……………

  1. August – October
  2. September – November
  3. October – December
  4. November – January

Ans : c) October – December

II. Fill in the blanks

1. The major occupation of people in Tamil Nadu is ………….

Ans : Agriculture

2. Tamil Nadu receives rainfall all from the …………. monsoon.

Ans : North east

3. The total geographical area of Tamil Nadu is …………. hectares.

Ans : 1,30,30,000

III. Match the following

1. Non-food crops79,38,000
2. DhalLess than 1 hectare of cultivable land
3. North-east monsoonOctober-December
4. Small farmersUrad Dal, Toor Dal, Greem grams
5. No. of farmers in 2015 – 2016Coconut , Channa

Ans: 1 – E, 2 – D, 3 – C, 4 – B, 5 – A

IV. Give short Answers

1. Give two examples for each food crops and non-food crops.

  1. Food crops : Paddy and maize
  2. Non-food crops : Coconut and tea

2. What are the factors responsible for the changes in cropping area?

The factors responsible for the changes in cropping area are-

  • Rainfall
  • Availability of water
  • Weather and
  • Market prices.

3. Who monitors the quality and quantity of ground water?

The Central Ground Water Board monitors the quality and quantity of ground water.

4. Tabulate the productivity of paddy from 1965 to 2015.

YearProductivity (in kgs)

5. On what factors does crop cultivation depend? List out the factors on which crop cultivation depend.

Rainfall and climate are the main factors on which crop cultivation depend.

The other factors are –

  • Natural factors – Climate, soil and topography
  • Economic factors – Market, transport facilities, labour and capital
  • Social factors – Shifting cultivation, Subsistence farming, extensive and mixed farming.

6. Differentiate between small and marginal farmers.

  • Marginal Farmer means a farmer cultivating (as owner or tenant) agricultural land up to 1 hectare (2.5 acres).
  • Small Farmer means a farmer cultivating (as owner or tenant) agricultural land of more than 1 hectare and up to 2 hectares (5 acres).

V. Answer in Detail

1. Give a note on the water resources of Tamil Nadu.

  • There is no perennial river in Tamil Nadu.
  • Tamil Nadu receives the required water from the Northeast and Southwest monsoons.
  • Karnataka dams get filled when the Soutwest monsoon rains are high in the catchment aras of the Cauvery river.
  • In turn, the Cauvery river in Tamil Nadu gets water.
  • Northeast monsoon (Oct-Dec) is a major source of water for Tamil Nadu.
  • The Northwest monsoon rains are stored in reservoirs, lakes, pond and well for cultivation.
  • Conventional water bodies like lakes, ponds and canals provide water for agriculture.
  • Borewells and open wells also provide water for agriculture.
  • Agriculture in Tamil Nadu dependent mostly on ground water.

2. What are the problems faced by using ground water for agriculture?

  • Agriculture in Tamil Nadu is dependent mostly on ground water.
  • Use of ground water for agriculture creates many hardship.
  • There is no sufferings if the amount of water taken from the underground and the amount of water that goes into the underground during the rainy season are equal.
  • On the contrary, as the amount of water taken increases, the ground water goes down resulting in complete dryness or change into unusable water.

3. Discuss about the source of irrigation for agriculture.

  • The Northeast monsoon rains are stored in reservoirs, lakes, pond and well for cultivation.
  • Convention water bodies like lakes, ponds and canals provide water for agriculture in Tamil Nadu.
  • In Tamilnadu, 2239 canals provide water to 6.68 lakh hectares.
  • There are 7,985 small lakes and 3,54,000 large lakes provide water to agricultural lands.
  • 15 lakh open wells and 3,54,000 bore wills in the state which help agriculture.
  • Agriculture in Tamil Nadu is dependent mostly on groundwater.

4. Tabulate the crops grown in Tamil Nadu.

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  • The total quantity of food grains produced in Tamil Nadu in the year 2014-15 was 1 crore 27 lakh 35 thousand tones
  • In this, paddy alone accounted to 80 lakhs tones.
  • The contribution of pady to the total amount of food production is 62%.
  • Maize production was 20%, corn 7% and ragi 3% and others 3%.
  • The amount of productionvaries depending on the amount of land being cultivated.

Production capacity of crops in 2014-15

CropsProductivity per hectare
Paddy4,429 kg
Maize3,824 kg
Cron2,093 kg
Cumbu3,077 kg
Ragi3,348 kg
Black gram 645 kg

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