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Home » Book Back Question and Answers » Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Books English Medium Migration

Samacheer Kalvi 9th Social Science Books English Medium Migration

Social Science : Economics : Chapter 5 : Migration

I. Choose the correct answer

1. According to the 2011 census, the total population of India was ……………

  1. 121 crore
  2. 221 crore
  3. 102 crore
  4. 100 crore

Ans : a) 121 crore

2. …………… has recorded the maximum number of emigrants.

  1. Ramanathapuram
  2. Coimbatore
  3. Chennai
  4. Vellore

Ans : c) Chennai

3. During 2015, …………… of illiterates were migrants from Tamil Nadu.

  1. 7%
  2. 175%
  3. 23%
  4. 9%

Ans : a) 7%

4. The poorer sections of the population migrate ……………

  1. As a survival strategy
  2. To improve their living standards
  3. As a service
  4. To get experience

Ans : a) As a survival strategy

II. Fill in the blanks

1. Migration is enumerated on ………… and ………… bases.

Ans : Place of birth and place of residence

2. The mobility of population in rural areas is ………… than urban areas.

Ans : More

3. In rural India, as per census 2011, ………… percent of the population are counted as migrants.

Ans : 37

4. ………… is the major reason for female migration.

Ans : Marriage

5. Any migrant stream would consist of ………… sub streams.

Ans : Heterogeneous

III. Match the following

1. Migration policyWork
2. Female migrantslow incidence of imigration
3. Chennaimaximum number of emigration
4. Better of migrantsmarriage
5. Salemto reduce the volume of migration
6. Male migrantsto improve the living standards

Ans: 1 – E, 2 – D, 3 – C, 4 – F, 5 – B, 6 – A

IV. Give short Answers

1. Enlist the reasons for migration.

  • Movement related to work an employment appears to the driving force of migration.
  • Apart from the above, trade, business, employment. etc in other countries are other reasons for migration.
  • Women migration is mainly associated with their marriage.

2. What are the major factors responsible for female migrants in India?

  • The major factor responsible for female migration in India is marriage.
  • They also migrate within the country or foreign countries because of job.

3. Name the four districts in Tamil Nadu which record low number of immigration.

The following districts in Tamilnadu are recorded low number of immigration

  • Dindugal
  • Salem
  • Krishnagiri
  • Namakkal
  • Dharmapuri
  • Nilgiris

4. What are the factors responsible for the poorer sections and better off sections to migrate.

  • Poor sections of the population migrate as a survival strategy in response to distressing conditions in rural areas.
  • Migrants from better-off sections migrate to improve their living standards

5. List the four destinations and the percentage of migrants from Tamil Nadu.

Saudi Arabia16%
United Arab Emirates18%
USA, Australia, Malaysia, Kuwait and Oman13%

6. What does the study reveal about the occupation undertaken buy migrants?

  • The study clearly reveals various occupations undertaken by the migrants.
  • Highly skilled professions on one hand and low skilled occupations on the other along with
  • large number of semi-skilled occupations.

V. Answer in Detail

1. State the aims of migration policies.

The main aims of migration policies are-

  • To reduce the volume of migration
  • The redirect the migrant streams.

To reduce the volume of migration.

  • As a large part of migration is a reflection of poverty and insecurity faced by large sections of the rural people, the focus of intervention has to be in rural areas.
  • Rural development policies to reduce poverty and insecurity would be essential to reduce the rate of migration.

The redirect the migrant streams:

  • Redirection of migrant steams, away from big metropolitan cities is a desirable policy option.
  • This policy can help in reducing spatial inequalities by suitable strategies, such as developing a more dispersed pattern of urbanization.

2. Discuss the patterns of migration.

The pattern of migration is very complex, compressing of a number of streams. They are-

  • Rural to rural; rural to urban; urban to rural; urban to urban.
  • Short, medium and long distance migration streams.
  • Long-term stable migration and short-term circulatory type of movements.

3. Elucidate about some of the interesting findings on migration in Tamil Nadu.

Some of the interesting findings on migration in Tamil Nadu are-

  • Of the total migration in Tamil Nadu, 65 % have migrated or moved abroad while 35 % have moved within the country.
  • Chennai district has recorded the maximum number of emigrants followed by Coimbatore, Ramanathapuram and Tiruchirappli districts.
  • Cuddaore, Karur, Thiruvannamalai, Vellore, Namakkal, Salame, Dingual, Krishnagiri, Nilgiris and Dharmapurai districts record low number of emigrants.

4. Anyalyse the educational qualifications of migrants from Tamil Nadu in 2015.

The educational qualifications of migrants from Tamil Nadu in 2015 are

Educational qualificationPercentage
1. Illiterates7%
2. Completed 10th Std30%
3. Completed 12th Std10%
4. Vocational training15%
5. Graduates11%
6 Professionally qualified12%
7. Post graduates11%

VI. Write the correct statement

1. In recent times, workers from Tamil Nadu are moving to Africa.

Correct Statement :

In the ancient period, works from Tamil Nadu moved to Africa.

2. In Tamil Nadu, the extent of migration is much high in urban areas comped to rural areas.

Correct Statement :

The migration is much higher in the Rural areas compared to Urban areas.

3. Any migrant steam would consist of homogenous sub-streams.

Correct Statement :

Any migrant steam would consist of heterogeneous sub-streams.

4. Two out of every 10 persons is reported to be a migrant.

Correct Statement :

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Two out of every 5 persons is reported to be a migrant.

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