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Home » Book Back Question and Answers » Samacheer Kalvi 1st English Books My Pet

Samacheer Kalvi 1st English Books My Pet

English : Term 1 Unit 1 : My Pet


My Pet

My name is Valli.

This is my pet, Chittu.

Do you have a pet?

Let us sing

Note to the teacher: Have students say hello loudly in the first stanza quietly in thesecond stanza. This needs to be practised frequently in class to emphasize greetings.

Hello Song

Good morning to you, and you and you.

Let’s say hello

As loud as we can.


Good morning to you, and you and you.

Let’s say hello

As quietly as we can.



Let us learn

On my way

Hi, you are pretty!

What is your name?

Hi, I am Daisy.

Hello Daisy, my name is Sweety.

I am Mullai.

What is your name?

I am Butterfly.

Hey, you are so colourful.

Ah, a beautiful tree!

Look at this, it is big!

What is your name?

I am Mango tree.

We all have names.

What is your name?

Note to the teacher: Talk about the names of things in the picture. Ask children to name what they can see outside the class and what they see on their way to school. The teacher will say the names. The children will identify them in the picture.

Alphabet Story

A Happy Jungle

Note to the teacher: read out the story. Emphasize on the letters of the alphabet. Teach the ABC song and sing it with them.

Let us sing

Let us write

Trace the strokes.

Trace the curves.

Trace the letters.

Look and say

Note to the teacher:  Practise vocabulary using the picture. Ask students to name the things in the picture and point to the same items in the classroom.

Circle time – Let us talk

Divide the class into two groups A and B. Ask one child in group A to hold an object /picture flashcard (pen, pencil, book, notebook etc.) and the children in group A ask. What is it? Have Group B reply, “It is a book” continue with other objects.

Let us practice

Read aloud.

Let us do

Word wall activity

Say it…. shout it….

Display the words on the board and have them in chits.

Put the chits in a box.

Ask a child to take a word chit.

Encourage him/ her to say the word aloud and have other children repeat it a few times.

Say it again and encourage children to shout out the word. Practise all the words similarly.

Let us learn

My Pet

Mullai meets her friends on the way.

Hey Sweety, Meet my friends Ahamed and Andy.

Hi, Mullai.

Ah, Who is this?

This is Sweety.

He is a kid.

He climbs and jumps.

He eats grass.

He loves fruits.

He eats bananas,

leaves and roots.

Note to the teacher: Read out the story and get children to namethe things and asking their friends‛ names in the picture. As questions about their pet and allow children to respond in the home language too.

Let us understand

Mullai walks along the farm. What does she see there? Tick them

Daisy flower, Butterfly, Mango tree

Count and tick ().

Listen, think and say.

1. Do you have a pet?


2. What is it ?


3. What is its name?


4. What does it eat?

Milk, Rice food

5. How do you play with it?

Run, hug

Let us say

Listen to the sound and repeat.

Listen and say.

Blend and say.

Let us do

Word wall activity

Word Relay

Display the flashcards of words on the board.

Invite a child to come forward and whisper the word.

Have him/ her say it to the class.

Make the class repeat it.

continue with another student.

Make him her say a new word along with the previous one.

Have the class repeat it.

continue till all the words are practised.

Note to the teacher: Show the flash cards of the letters. Say the sound of each letter aloud and get children to repeat it. Say the sounds as follows a /m/ t /t/ p /p/ n / n/

Let us practice

Read aloud.

Help the bird reach its nest. Follow and colour ‘a’ sound words.

Say aloud.

Ant had a nap

on the tap


Ant had a nap

on the pan


I can do

I. Listen and say.

a. What is your name?

Mahendra Varman

b. Who is Mullai‛s pet?

Sweety (goat)

c. What flower do Mullai and Mighty see?

Daisy flower

II. Read aloud.

ant              pan

an ant         a pan

 It is an ant.  It is a pan.

III. Look and match.

IV. Tick the right one.

V. Write the missing letters.

VI. Recite any one of the poems from the lesson.

Learning outcomes

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Note to the teacher: Ask children to colour the apple when they achieve the learning outcomes.

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