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Home » Book Back Question and Answers » Samacheer Kalvi 1st English Books Healthy Food

Samacheer Kalvi 1st English Books Healthy Food

English : Term 2 Unit 1 : Healthy Food

Let us revise


What is your name?

My name is Mahendra Varman

a. Match the greetings to the picture.

b. Circle the matching small letter in each row.

C. Colour and write the correct small letter.

d. Use the small letters for the words given below.

tree, umbrella, van, yak, zebra, watch, xylophone

e. Match the number with the picture.

f. Choose the correct word and write in the blank.

g. Colour and find the flowers that rhyme with each bee.

h. Write the missing letter for each word.

i. Find the young ones and write the mother‛s name.

j. Recite the rhyme for the given pictures.

k. Read aloud

Where is your house?

These are my pets.

You are my friend.

This is her bag.

This is his book.

 I want more sugar.

There is a tree.

Why are you crying?

The sun is yellow.

Rabbit has a ball.


Healthy Food

I like fruits.

I like vegetables.

Do you like them?

Look and say

Note to the teacher: Practise vocabulary using the picture. Ask students to name the fruits andvegetables in the picture.

Let us sing

To the market

We are going… We are going

To the market… To the market

Come along with big bags

Come along with big bags

Time to go… Time to go

What will you buy there?

What will you buy there?

A red apple and a green apple. 

What will you do then?

What will you do then?

Cut and eat them!

Cut and eat them!

That‛s what we will do!

Note to the teacher:  Sing the song with actions. Encourage children to listen and do the actionsfirst, then follow the song with the teacher.

Let us learn

A feast in the jungle

We are celebrating forest day. Bring your food for the feast.

They had a great feast. 

Note to the teacher: Focus on the names of various fruits, vegetables and the structure ‘I have…‛

Let us understand

What did the animals bring? Tick the correct vegetable.

Help the eagle to make juice. Draw lines and drop the fruits into the mixer.

Listen, think and write

1. I am a fruit.

I am small and round.

I am yellow and sour.

Who am I  ? lemon 

2. I am a vegetable.

I am green.

I am spicy.

Who am I  ? green chilly

Circle Time – Let us talk

Divide children into two groups and make them stand at a distance. Model the structure “This is” and “That is” with objects near and far. Let one group hold an object (e.g .pen). Encourage them to say “This is a pen.” Get the other group to say “That is a pen.” Try this with other objects.

Let us practise

Let us do

carrot chilli potato onion cabbage tomato yam radish green leaves brinjal

mango jackfruit watermelon banana apple orange papaya grapes

Word wall

Let children sit in a circle. Invite a child to throw the ring on the flashcards displayed and say the name of the vegetable / fruit. Practise with all the children.

Let us say

Listen to the sound and repeat.

Listen and say.

Blend and say

Note to the teacher: Show the flashcards of the letters. Say the sound of each letter aloud and make children repeat it. Say the sounds as follows: u/v/ j/dz/ v/v/ w/w/ q/kju:/ x/ks/ y/j/ z/z/

Let us do

Word wall

Let children stand in a circle and the teacher in the centre.

Let the students move clockwise when you say words with ‘u‛ sound like cup, mug, jug, etc. (use the words in the pumpkin)

Students will stop moving when you say words without ‘u‛ sound like, sit, bat, pet, etc.

Let us practice

Read aloud.

ball on the wall

zebra in the zoo

yam in the jam

vulture on the van

fox in the box

doll with the bell

Think zone

What comes next?

Let us learn

Appu‛s delightful day

Appu‛s delightful day

Appu, the farmer waters the plants in the dry field.

I cannot continue farming.

Appu decides to sell the land.

Appu, your decision is not right.

What can I do? No one supports me.

We shall not have anything to eat.

Don‛t worry. We will help you.

Look, it is raining.

This is the right time for us to work.

Ok. Let us do that.

We can work together.

All the animals work together in the field.

Will our plans work out?

Don‛t worry. Teamwork never fails.

Your help has made this happen.

We will help all farmers.

Note to the teacher: Emphasize the importance of agriculture and farmers. Encourage children towork together.

Let us follow

Circle the healthy food and cross the junk food.

Do you eat healthy food?                   Yes   No

Does your friend eat junk food?         Yes No 

Discuss with your friend about junk food. 

Note to the teacher: Encourage children to eat healthy foods. Explain the dangers of junk food.

Let us do

Word wall

Say a word and clap your hands.

Let children repeat it.

Say the word again and stamp your feet. Let children repeat it.

Practise the actions for all the words.

I can do

I. Write the names.

mango carrot potato papaya

II. Read aloud

pup, cup, cub, tub, mud, bug, mug, jug, hut, cut, nut, bud

III. Circle the correct one.

  ThisThat is a papaya.

   ThisThat is a mango.

IV. Draw a fruit and a vegetable you like.

This is a grapes

This is a pumpkin

V. Recite the poem ‘To the market‛.

Learning outcomes

Now I can…

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Note to the teacher: Ask children to colour the apple when they achieve the learning outcome.

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