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Home » Book Back Question and Answers » Samacheer Kalvi 1st English Books Families

Samacheer Kalvi 1st English Books Families

English : Term 1 Unit 3 : Families



I love my family.

My family loves me.

Family vacation packages

Let us sing

What do you see in this picture? Tell your friend.

In a nest,

On a branch,

Or under a tree,

There are many places

That animals can be.

Under a wing,

Or in a hole

In the ground

There are many places

Where animals are found

Note to the teacher: Introduce the idea of a family and the way they live together.

Let us learn

I am Nila.

I live in Salem.

I call my father Appa.

I call my mother Amma.

My sister’s name is Meenu.

This is my friend Mary.

She lives with her mother.

Her mother takes care of her.

This is my friend Abdul.

He has a brother.

His mother is a pilot.

His father is a chef.

Abdul, Sam, Mary and I play together.

We are friends.

We have fun together.

Our friends and family make us happy.

Note to the teacher: Encourage children to point out the various members of the family as you call them out. Make them follow the text and ask questions “Is it a big family?” and so on.

Let us sing


Families are different.

How many are there in a family?

Two or four,

Five or six or more?

have a family

You have a family

We all have families

But families can be different.

Listen and repeat

My family helps me.

My family loves me.

My family takes care of me.

My family keeps me safe

Circle time – Let us talk: Encourage children to talk about their family andwhat they do together at home. In conversation, introduce the vocabulary for relationships: mother, father, grandpa etc., and ask their names.

Let us understand

1. Write T for True / F for False in the box.

Nila’s grandpa reads the newspaper. T

Abdul’s father is a pilot. F (Father is a chef, Mother is a pilot)

2. Match the following.

Mary‛s family : small family

 Abdul‛s family : big family

 Nila‛s family : two members


Mary‛s family : two members

 Abdul‛s family : small family

 Nila‛s family : big family

3. Listen, Think and Say.

1. Who wipes the window?

Nila’s father

2. Who plays on the swing?

Abdul’s brother

3. Whose father is a chef?

Abdul’s father

4. Whose family is a big family?

Nila‛s family

5. How many people are there in Mary‛s family?

Two members

Let us do

Word wall activity

Display the flashcards with pictures of family members.

Make children look at them.

Remove them.

Encourage children to recall the names of the picture.

Alphabet Story

A Happy Jungle

Note to the teacher: Teach the ABC song using QR code and sing it with them. Read out the story. Emphasize on the letters of the alphabet.

Let us write

Trace the letters.

Let us do

Word wall activity

Display the words given in the word wall on the board.

Practise the words by asking as many questions as possible.

Eg: “Is this your pen?”

Practise all the words similarly.

Note to the teacher: Discuss the use of magic words like thank you and sorry. Encouragechildren to talk about the pictures and the use of magic words in this context.

Think Zone – What comes next? Fill in the box.

Let us sing

What are they doing?

Hop a little, jump a little

 one, two, three.

Run a little, skip a little

tap one knee.

Bend a little, stretch a little

nod your head.

Yawn a little, sleep a little

in your bed.

Let us do together

What can they do? Discuss with your friend and colour the boxes.

Let us say

Say aloud

Shake your hand a a a

Shake your leg e e e

Shake your hips i i i

Shake your body o o o

Shake your thumb u u u

Listen to the sound and repeat.

e o k g f m r

Ben has a hen.

Ben fed a hen.

Ben fed a red hen.

Ben fed ten red hens.

Listen and say

Note to the teacher: Show the flashcards of the letters. Say the sound of each letter aloud and get children to repeat it. Say the sounds as follows: e /e/ o /D / k /k/ g /g/ f /f/ m /m/ r /r/.

Blend and say aloud

Say aloud

a pot

a hot pot

a hot pot on the cot

Let us practise

Let us do

Word wall activity

Roll and Read

Divide the class into groups.

Select the leader for each group.

Ask the leader to roll the dice to get a number from 1 to 6

The children in the group read out the words for the number given in the word wall.

Let us learn

Circle Time – Let us play

Divide the class into two groups.

Distribute the picture cards of young ones to one group and the picture cards of mothers to the other group.

Allow the young ones to find their mothers.

Let us sing

This is the way

We dig the ground,

dig the ground, dig the ground

This is the way

We dig the ground

Early in the morning.

I. Who digs the ground?


ii. Who plants the seeds?

Hen and Roosters

iii. Who waters the plants?

Hen and Roosters

iv. What did they see?

Small plants

Note to the teacher: Encourage children to say this rhyme with the following phrases such as, dig the ground, plant the seeds, water the plants to the tune of “This is the way we…”

Let us understand

1. Tick the correct young ones.

2. Choose the correct word from the box and write.

3. Write the animals or the young ones that you see around.

Cat – kitten

Dog – pup

Donkey – colt, foal

Duck – duckling

Ant – antling

Rat – pup, pinkie, kitten

Frog – tadpole

Pig – piglet, shoat, farrow

Sheep – lamb

Squirrel – pup, kit

I can do

I. Read and tick the word

II. Match the picture with the action word.

III. Recite any one of the poems from the lesson.

IV. Write the missing letters.

Tiger, Upapa , wolf, fox, yak, zebra

V. Tick Yes / No.

1. I have a grandmother. –        Yes  No

2. I have two brothers. –           Yes No 

3. My family is a big family.-  Yes  No

4. I play with my friends. –      Yes  No

VI. Listen and answer.

I. Who digs the ground?


ii. Who plants the seeds?

Hen and Roosters

iii. Who waters the plants?

Hen and Roosters

iv. What did they see?

Small plants

VII. Read aloud.

a hen

a red hen

a red hen and her ten eggs

a pen

a blue pen

 a blue pen on the bed

Learning outcomes

Now I can…

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Note to the teacher: Ask children to colour the apple when they achieve the learning outcome.

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