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Home » Book Back Question and Answers » Samcheer Kalvi 7th English Books The Poem of Adventure

Samcheer Kalvi 7th English Books The Poem of Adventure

English : Term 2 Unit 1 : Poem : The Poem of Adventure

Warm Up

Look at the pictures. Name the activities.

1. Parachuting

2. Trekking

3. Rock Climbing

4. Scuba Diving

Discuss and Answer.

1. What are the adventure activities of NCC?

NCC has three wings Army, Navy & Air Force. Horse riding, trekking, forest visit and mountaineering are some of the adventure activities of NCC.

2. When can you join the NCC?

Between 12 years to 18 1/2 years a student can join Junior Division. Senior division admits students upto 26 years.

3. What is the motto of NCC?

Duty, Unity and Discipline.

Think and Answer.

1. Why do we need adventure in life? 

Life can be interesting only when it is exciting and challenging. So we need adventure in life.

2. Do you like adventures? Why? 

I like adventures because they make me bold and daring. They help me to face challenges of life.

3. Why does the NCC conduct adventure activities?

The NCC conducts adventure activities to make the youth alert, active and daring. Only those with a spirit of adventure can protect the nation and the people. So NCC conducts adventure activities.

About the Poet

George Krokos was born on 30th June, 1951 in Samos, Greece and now lives in Melbourne, Australia. He is an aspiring poet who has written quite a number of poems inspired by nature, science, philosophy and the spiritual aspects of life. He has studied eastern and western religions and associated philosophy for over 35 years and has practised various forms of Yoga and meditation.


lance – a long weapon with pointed steel head

chivalry – bravery

abated breath – with their breathing growing less

impressions – an idea, feeling, or opinion about something or someone, especially one formed without conscious thought or on the basis of little evidence.

exploits – a bold or daring feat

adroit – skilfully

Questions Answers


A. Read the lines and answer the questions.

1. Deep inside the mountain 

the adventures hide themselves.

a. Where do adventures hide?

Adventures hide deep inside the mountain.

2. They are of all forms and shapes  

They all have an excellent ending

a. What do have an excellent ending?

Adventures have an excellent ending.

3. when to fight for a righteous cause 

one did gain considerable applause.

a. When will one get an applause?

One will get an applause when he fights for a righteous cause.

4. And in fighting for their country, faith and king 

noble impressions on people’s minds would ring

a. What does ‘noble impression’ mean?

It means high regard.

b. Who can leave a noble impression?

The knights who fight for their country, faith and king can leave a noble impression.

5. There are many legends based on their heroic exploits

a legacy of tales which have been told with much adroit

a. What does ‘heroic exploits’ mean?

It means adventurous activities.

b. What are legends?

Legends are stories handed down from long ago.

B. Answer briefly.

1. What is adventure?

A bold or exciting undertaking is called an adventure.

2. Describe the appearance of a knight.

A knight is strong and bold. He carries a sword or lance. He wears a shining armour.

3. What are the characteristics of an adventure?

An adventure calls for courage and strength. It involves life and death struggle. It is aimed at a righteous cause. It involves love, glory, patriotism, goodness and sacrifice.

C. Think and Answer.

1. Why does the poet ask us to imaging that we have tiny wings on our back?

We should attract the adventures into the patterns of habit. Adventures should become a part and parcel of our body. For that purpose, we should imagine that we have tiny wings on our back.

2. Why should we fight for righteous cause?

During the age of chivalry, the knights fought for a righteous cause. They crushed down the evil-doers and saved the damsel in distress. In the same way, we too should fight for a righteous cause. We should not hesitate to fight against injustice.

D. Literary Appreciation

1. Pick out the rhyming words.

old / bold  

lance / romance

chivalry / history

cause / applause

glory / worthy  

maiden / laden

blows / foes

death / breath

yore / fore


king / ring

esteem / seem

exploits / adroit

vice / sacrifice

again / when

cause / pause 

2. Write down the alliterated words.

are / all / and

excellent / ending

those / that / their

live / lives

world / way

attract / adventures

you / your  

and / ask

bounce / bit

only / on

fight / for

they / themselves

on / of / opponents

defying / death

as / abated

yes / yore

it / in

courage / came

there / this

fighting / for / faith

ages / are

held / high 

armour / all

there / their.  

tales / told

highlighting / human

virtue / vice

lessons / learnt

the / those

and / again

and / acting

with / we

chivalry / shouldn’t

Paragraph Writing

1. What does the poet say about adventures?

Adventures hide themselves deep inside the mountain. They have different forms and shapes. People who seek adventures look at the world in a special way. We should attract adventures into our habit. For that we should close our eyes. We should ask adventures to come in and embrace us. We should imagine that we have tiny wings on our back. We should remember that we may bounce a bit when we take a new step.

2. How did the knights in the age of chivalry involve themselves in adventures?

The knights in the age of chivalry were strong and bold. They carried a sword or a lance. They covered themselves with shining armour. The knights sought romance. They were ready to fight for a righteous cause. They displayed their valour. By doing so, they were able to win the love of their lady-love. The knights of olden days defied death. Their combat was a life and death struggle. Still they fought for their country and their king. Their adventures were aimed at goodness and sacrifice.

Creative Writing

Concrete Poems

Concrete poems are made up of words that have been placed in such a way that they make the shape of an object and also use words to describe the object.

Start by making a simple outline of the shape or object (an animal, a football, a fruit etc.) large enough to fill a piece of paper.

Then brainstorm a minimum of ten words and phrases that describe the shape. List action and feeling words as well.

Next, place a piece of paper over the shape and decide where your words are going to be placed so that they outline your shape but also fit well together.

Separate words and phrases with commas.

E. Now read the poem and pick out the nouns. Then write your own concrete poem.

bird, claws, death, beak, steelbird, prey, barrel, dragonfly, grip, cat

1. Trees and plants

Green earth wants

2. For birds that roam

Trees are the home

3. Plant them now

Show your love

4. Save the earth

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