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Home » Book Back Question and Answers » Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Books The Woman on Platform 8

Samacheer Kalvi 8th English Books The Woman on Platform 8

English : Unit 1 : Supplementary : The Woman on Platform 8


inferno (n) – region that resembles hell

heaving (v) – to raise or lift with force

dismally (adv) – cheerless

serenity (n) – reverence

encounter (v) – brief meeting

clutched (v) – grasped (something) tightly

imposing (adj) – grand and impressive in appearance

embarrassed (v) – felt awkward, self-conscious, or ashamed

nuisance (n) – causing inconvenience or annoyance

staggered (v) – walked or moved unsteadily, as if about to fall

wagging (v) – move rapidly to and fro

resentfully (adv) – feeling or expressing bitterness or indignation at having been treated unfairly

grinning (v) – smiling broadly

squatting (v) – crouch or sit with one’s knees bent and one’s heels close to or touching the back of one’s thighs

hustling (v) – push roughly; jostle

shrieked (v) – uttered a high-pitched piercing sound

mowed (v) – moved slowly into the crowed station

patronizing (adj) – treat in a way that is apparently kind

obviously (adv) – in a way that is easily perceived or understood; clearly

jolted (v) – moved with sudden jurk

Questions Answers

A. Choose the best answer.

1. Satish’s mother handed to her son ____________.

a. bag of pencil

b. bag of vegetables

 c. big box of chocolates

d. cricket ball

[Answer: c) big box of chocolates]

2. The train would come at ____________.

a. one o’ clock

 b. twelve o’ clock

c. two o’ clock

 d. eleven o’ clock

[Answer: b) twelve O’ clock]

3. The strange lady gave ______ to Arun.

a. coffee and vadai

b. tea and bajji

c. tea and samosas

d. black tea and cake

[Answer: c) tea and samosas]

4. Arun was sitting on platform _________ .

a. no. 7

b. no. 8

c. no. 4

d. no. 3

[Answer: b) no. 8]

5. Satish and Arun were ________ years old boys.

a. 12

b. 11

c. 13

d. 10

[Answer: b) no. 13]

B. Match the following.

1. woman in white – mother of Satish

2. train                    – boy of same age

3. bowler                 – dressed simply

4. Satish                  – waves of stream

5. spectacles             – Arun


[1. (c) 2. (d) 3. (e) 4. (b) 5. (a)]

1. woman in white – (c) dressed simply

2. train – (d) waves of stream

3. bowler – (e) Arun

4. Satish – (b) boy of same age

5. spectacles – (a) mother of Satish 

C. Identify the character.

1. I am glad to know that. [Answer: Satish’s mother]

2. Are you all alone, my son? [Answer: Strange lady]

3. Yes, I am going to school. [Answer: Arun ]

4. He is one of my friends. [Answer: Satish ]

5. Goodbye mother. [Answer: .Satish ]

D. Answer the following questions.

1. Where was Arun sitting?

Answer: Arun was sitting on platform no. 8 at Ambala station.

2. What was the expected arrival time of the train?

Answer: The expected time of the train’s arrival was at twelve o’clock midnight.

3. What were the sight Arun had seen on the platform?

Answer: Arun saw a tide of people, the cries of various vendors and the newspaper boy.

4. What did the vendors sell?

Answer: The vendor sold curds, lemons, sweet meat and newspapers.

5. How did the women appear?

Answer: The woman had a pale face and dark kind eyes. She wore no jewels and was dressed very simply in a white saree.

6. Where was Arun travelling to?

Answer: Arun was travelling to his boarding school.

7. What did the woman buy for him?

Answer: The woman bought samosas and jalebies. She also ordered tea for Arun.

8. What was the advise of Sathish’s mother?

Answer: Sathish’s mother advised Arun not to talk to strangers and to be very careful of them.

9. What were the Arun’s last words?

Answer: Arun’s last words were “Goodbye – mother”.

10. What was the reaction of the woman at the end?

Answer: When Satish’s mother was talking, she did not listen to her. But she was looking at Arun, as the train moved.

Step to Success, Connecting to Self

Step to Success

Sentence Rearrangement

A. Miss Sullivan arrived at the Keller home when Helen was seven.

B. The deaf and blind Helen learned to communicate verbally.

C. But, eventually, Miss Sullivan’s effort was rewarded.

D. Before Helen Keller was two years old, she lost her sight and her hearing.

E. Miss Sullivan worked closely with Helen, her new student.

F. At times the teacher became frustrated.






[Answer: 2. DAEFCB]

D. Before Helen Keller was two years old, she lost her sight and her hearing.

A. Miss Sullivan arrived at the Keller home when Helen was seven.

E. Miss Sullivan worked closely with Helen, her new student.

F. At times the teacher became frustrated.

C. But, eventually, Miss Sullivan’s effort was rewarded.

B. The deaf and blind Helen learned to communicate verbally.

Connecting to Self

Think you are in the following situation and write what would you do and why.

1. Will you ignore/take and give to its owner/take and keep it yourself.

I will take it and see the address of the owner.

I will hand it over to him.

If not, I’ll hand it in the police station.

This is an act of a good person.

2. Will you ignore/go and help him/stand watching him feeling shy to help.

I will go and help him to carry his things till he reaches his destination.

Helping an elderly person is a good quality of a youngster.

3. Will you ignore/try to stop them fighting / be afraid and go away from there.

Even though I am afraid, I would like to stop them, if I can.

It is a human nature.



To learn the parts of speech and also about the Nouns and its kind.


 1.Type the URL link given below in the browser or scan the QR code.

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5. Continue the same with the remaining parts of speech to strengthen your learning.


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