Social Science : Geography : Term 3 Unit 2 : Map Reading
I. Choose the correct answer
1. The science of map making is called _______________.
- Geography
- Cartography
- Physiography
- Physical Geography
Ans : Cartography
2. North, South, East and West are four directions are called as
- Cardinal
- Geographical
- Latitudinal
- Angels
Ans : Cardinal
3. Cultural maps are those which shows the _____________ features
- Natural
- Man-made
- Artificial
- Environmental
Ans : Man-made
II. Fill in the Blanks.
1. __________________ is an essential tool of a geographer.
Ans : Map
2. The directions in between the cardinal directions are the inter mediate ____________.
Ans : directions
3. _________in a map which explains the different colours and symbols used in it.
Ans : Legand
4. Cadastral maps are known as ______________.
Ans : Village and Town Maps
5. Small scale maps are helpful to us to show large areas like _________ and _________.
Ans : Continent and Countries
III. Circle the odd one:
1. North East, Scale. North West and East.
Ans : Scale
2. White, Snow, High land, and Plains.
Ans : Plains
3. Relief map, Soil map, Physical map and Atlas.
Ans : Atlas
4. Weather Forecasting, Climate, Rainfall and Temperature.
Ans : Climate
IV. Match the following
1. Upper right corner | Density and growth |
2. Key (or) legend | District (or) town |
3. Large Scale map | Natural relief features |
4. Physical map | Colours and Symbols |
5. Population map | ‘N’ letter |
Ans : 1 – E, 2 – D, 3 – B, 4 – C, 5 – A
V. Examine the Following Statements:
1. An Atlas is a bound volume of different types of maps
2. Atlas maps are drawn on smaller scale
3. Insignificant details are omitted
a) 1 and 3 are correct
b) 2 and 3 are correct
c) 1 and 2 are correct
d) 1, 2 and 3 are correct
Ans : 1, 2 and 3 are correct
1. Statement I : Globe is a three dimensional model of the Earth.
Statement II : It is easy to handle and to carry. as it can be rolled up or folded
- Statement I is correct and II is wrong.
- Statement I is wrong and II is correct.
- Both the statements are correct.
- Both the statements are wrong
Ans : Statement I is correct and II is wrong.
2. Assertion: Industries in the South America has developed rapidly.
Reason: : The continent lacks infrastructure (especially transport) need for industrialization.
- Both A and R is correct.
- A is correct and R is wrong.
- A is wrong and R is correct.
- Both A and R is wrong
Ans : A is wrong and R is correct.
VI. Name the following:
1. Representing the earth on a flat surface.
2. Ratio between the distance on a map and distance on the ground.
3. Symbols which help to show road ways and railways.
Roadways, Railways
4. A book which contains different kinds of maps.
5. A map which shows administration divisions.
Political Map
VII. Answer the following:
1. What is a Map?
- A map is an essential tool of a geographer.
- Map is a representation of the earth as a whole or a part of the earth drawn on a flat surface according to a given scale.
- It can show continents, countries, cities and even a local area are drawn with specific details.
2. What is cartography?
The science of map-making is called cartography (carte means ‘map’ and graphic means drawing’).One who draws maps is called a Cartographer.
3. What are cardinal directions?
- The cardinal direction are North, South, East and West.
- Alegend (or) key of a map explain the details in the map.
4. What is an Atlas?
- Atlas is a collection of maps in a book.
- Atlas maps are small-scale maps covering large areas like continents and countries.
- Only prominent relief features, main roads and railways important towns are shown in Atlas maps.
- The study of geographic characteristics of a large area is possible at the time with the help of an atlas.
5. Name the types of Atlas.
- School Atlas
- Advanced Atlas
- Regional Atlas
- National Atlas
6. What are the uses of maps?
Uses of Maps:
- Maps enable us to know details of the landforms and other ground features without seeing the area.
- Maps are of immense importance to the military personnel for planning campaigns.
- It is used in the aero planes to reach their destinations and the ships to sail safely in the oceans.
- Maps are used for weather forecasting and agricultural operations.
- We can study and interpret the future possibilities of soil erosion, settlement patterns, drainage patterns, land utilization, etc.,
VIII. Answer in Detail:
1. What are the elements of maps? Write about it.
Elements of maps:
- Maps provide us with a lot of information and one must know how to read and interpret them.
- Every map is provided with certain features that act as an aid to study the information presented in it.
- The basic essential elements of a map are title, direction, scale and legend (or) key of symbol.
Every map has a title that describes the information given in the map. For example, a map with the title India Rivers shows Rivers of India.
- In general maps are drawn with north orientation it helps us to find other direction on the map like East, West and South. In addition to the North notation, latitudes and longitudes were depicted in the margins.
- The North is notified by letter ‘N’ with an arrow mark.

- The scale of a map is the ratio between the distance on the map between two points and actual distance between the two places on the ground.
- The scales can be represented as lcm = 10km.
- It means 1cm on the map is equal to 10 km on the ground. It helps to find the distance on the map between two points.

- Alegend or key of a map explain the symbols that are used on it to represent various physical and cultural features.
- The common signs and symbols are internationally accepted and used in maps are called conventional signs and symbols.
- Every map has a legend or a key which explains the different colours and symbols used in it.
- They are depicted by using certain colours, symbols or letters.
2. What are the three ways of representation of maps?
Mapsare a graphical representation of the world or a section of the world. Asa representation of the world, maps are compressed versions of the real world meaning that a large piece of land is recreated onto a smaller piece of paper or digital file. The relationship between the real world size of a geographic feature and its representative feature on a map is known as scale. There are three main ways that scale is indicated on a map: graphic (or bar), Verbal and representative fraction (RF).
3. Classify the maps based on functions.
Physical maps
Physical maps show natural features such as relief, geology, soils, drainage, elements weather, and vegetation.
Relief Maps
Relief Maps show general topography like mountains valleys, plains, plateaus and rivers.
Geological Maps
Geological Maps are drawn to show geological structures, rocks and minerals. Climatic Maps show the distribution of temperature, rainfall, clouds, relative humidity, direction and velocity of winds and other elements of weather.
Soil Maps
Soil Maps which are drawn to show the distribution of different types of soil and their properties.
Cultural Maps
Cultural Maps which shows the man-made features are called cultural maps.
Political Maps
Political Maps show the administrative divisions of a country, state or district. These maps facilitate the administration in planning and management of the concerned administrative units.
Population Maps
Population Maps show the distribution, density and growth of population, occupation structure and literacy.
Economic Maps
Economic Maps depict the production and distribution of different types of crops and. minerals, location of industries, trade routes and flow of commodities.
Transportation Maps
Transportation Maps show roads, railway lines and the location of railway station, airports and seaports, etc.,
Thematic maps
Thematic maps are all such maps that represent the distribution ofa particular feature or theme and its spatial variation.
Google maps
Google maps is a web-based service that provides detailed information about geographical regions and sites around the world.
4. Write about comparison of map and Globe.
Map | Globe |
1. A map isa two – dimensional form of the Earth. | A globe is three -dimensional model of the Earth. |
2. A map shows a small or a large area. | A globe is a true model of the earth. |
3. A map can show a detailed information about an area | A globe cannot show the detailed information for an area. |
4. A map cannot be turned to explain rotation. | A globe can be turned to show rotation. |
5. A map is very easy to carry | A globe is not easy to carry. |
5. Describe the types of maps based on the scale? Write about it?
Maps on the basis of scale:
Large scale maps
Large scale maps show small areas in greater details because they are drawn on a relatively large scale.
Cadastral maps
Cadastral maps are village and town maps which show individual fields and house sites. Topographical Maps shows smaller areas in much greater detail. These maps are prepared by Survey of India. These are also large scale maps which show both natural features like hills and valleys as well as man-made features like buildings, road and
Small scale maps
Small scale maps that show large areas like continent or countries. These maps are drawn on 1 cm = 1000 kms. These are called small-scale maps.
Wall maps
Wall maps are small-scale maps showing large areas. They are useful for students in classrooms and offices, small scale maps covers a larger area and depicts with limited information.
Atlas is a collection of maps in a book. Atlas maps are small-scale maps covering large areas like continents and countries. Only prominent relief features, main roads and railways important towns are shown in Atlas maps. The study of geographic characteristics of a large area is possible at the time with the help of an atlas.