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Home » Book Back Question and Answers » Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Books English Medium Emergence of New Kingdoms in North India

Samacheer Kalvi 7th Social Science Books English Medium Emergence of New Kingdoms in North India

Social Science : History : Term 1 Unit 2 : Emergence of New Kingdoms in North India

I. Choose the correct answer

1. Who wrote Prithiviraj raso?

  1. Kalhana
  2. Vishakadatta
  3. Rajasekara
  4. Chand Bardai

Ans : Chand Bardai

2. Who was the first prominent ruler of Pratiharas?

  1. Bhoja I
  2. Naga Bhatta I
  3. Jayapala
  4. Chandradeva

Ans : Naga Bhatta I

3. Ghazni was a small principality in _________.

  1. Mangolia
  2. Turkey
  3. Persia
  4. Afghanistan

Ans : Afghanistan

4. What was the most important cause of the invasion of Mahmud of Ghazni?

  1. To destroy idolatry
  2. To plunder the wealth of India
  3. To spread Islam in India
  4. To establish a Muslim state in India

Ans : To plunder the wealth of India

II. Fill in the Blanks.

1. _________ was the founder of Vikramashila University.

Ans : Dharmapala

2. Arabs conquered Sind in _________.

Ans : AD (CE) 712

3. The city of Ajmeer was founded by _________.

Ans : Simharaji

4. The Khandarya temple is in _________.

Ans : Madhya Pradesh

III Match the following

1. KhajurahoMount Abu
2. Sun templeBundelkhand
3. Dilwara TempleKonark

Ans : 1 – B, 2 – C, 3 – A

IV. State true or false.

1. Rajputra is a Latin word. ( False )

Ans : Rajputra is a Sanskrit word.

2. King Gopala was elected by the people. ( True )

3. The temple at Mount Abu is dedicated to Lord Shiva. ( False )

Ans : The temple at Mount Abu is dedicated to Jain Tirthankaras.

4. Raksha Bandan is a festival of brotherhood. ( True )

5. Indians learnt the numerals 0 – 9 from Arabs. ( False )

Ans : Arabians learnt the numerals 0 – 9 from Indians.

V. Match the statement with the reason the appropriate answer.

1. Assertion : The tripartite struggle was to have control over Kanauj.

Reason : Kanauj was a big city.

  1. R is the correct explanation of A
  2. R is not the correct explanation of A
  3. A is wrong and R is correct
  4. A and R are wrong

Ans : R is not the correct explanation of A

2. Statement I : Mahipala could not extend his domain beyond Benaras.

Statement II : Mahipala and Rajendra Chola were contemporaries.

  1. I is correct.
  2. II is correct.
  3. I and II are correct.
  4. I and II are false.

Ans : I and II are correct.

3. Assertion : India’s Islamic period did not begin after Arab conquest of Sind in AD (CE)712.

Reason : Gurjara Pratiharas gave a stiff resistance to Arabs.

  1. R is the correct explanation of A
  2. R is not the correct explanation of A
  3. A is correct and R is wrong.
  4. A is wrong and R is correct.

Ans : R is the correct explanation of A

4. Assertion : The second battle of Tarain was lost by Prithiviraj.

Reason : There was disunity among the Rajputs.

  1. R is the correct explanation of A
  2. R is not the correct explanation of A
  3. A is correct and R is wrong.
  4. A is wrong and R is correct.

Ans : R is the correct explanation of A

5. Consider the following statements and find out which is/are correct.

1. Raksha Bandan tradition is attributed to Rajputs.

2. Tagore started a mass Raksha Bandan festival during Partition of Bengal.

3. Raksha Bandan was to counter the British attempt to create a divide between Hindus and Muslims.

  1. 1 is correct.
  2. 2 is correct.
  3. 3 is correct.
  4. All the above are correct.

Ans : All the above are correct.

VI. Answer the following in one or two sentences.

1. Write about tripartite struggle over Kanauj.

There was a prolonged of tripartite struggle between the Gurjara Pratikaras of Malwa, the Rastrakutas of Deccan and the Palas of Bengal, as each one of them wanted to establish their supremacy over the fertile region of Kanauj. In the process, all the three powers were weakened.

2. Name any four Rajput clans.

  • The Pratiharas
  • The Chauhans
  • The Chalukyas
  • The Paramaras of Pawars

3. Who was the founder of Pala dynasty?

Gopala was the founder of Pala dynasty.

4. Mention the first two early Caliphates.

The first two early Caliphates were Umayyads and Abbasids.

5. Name the ruler of Sind who was defeated by Qasim.


VII. Answer the following.

1. What was the impact of Arab conquest of Sind? (point out any five)

  • The Arab scholars visited Sind and studied many Indian literary works.
  • They translated many Sanskrit books on astronomy, philosophy, mathematics and medicine in to Arabic.
  • They learnt the numerals 0 to 9 from India.
  • It is believed that the people in the west and the Arabs learnt the game of chess from the Indians.
  • Through the Arabs, Europe gained more knowledge in Mathematics.


a. Difference between Mahmud Ghazni’s invasion and Muhammad Ghor’s invasion.

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Muhmud Ghazni’s invasion Muhammed Ghor’s invasion
1. Muhmud of Ghazni was the first Independent ruler of the Ghaznavid dynasty.Muhmud of Ghor started as a vassal of Ghazni but became independent after the death of Muhmud.
2. He wanted to plunder the rich temples and cities of North Indian.He wanted to extend his empire by Conquering India.
3. His important raid took place in Gujarat-Somnath temple (1024 A.D)Second battle of Tarain (1192) is regarded as one of the turning parts in Indian history.

b. Find out.

First battle of Tarain Second battle of Tarain
Fought in the year1191 AD.1192 AD.
Causes for the battleMuhamud Ghori’s expedition on India.Victory of Prithiviraj Chauhan.
Who defeated whom?Prithiviraj defeated Muhamud Ghori.Muhamud Ghori defeated Prithiviraj Chauhan.
What was the result? II. Battle of Tarain.Paved way for the establishment of Islamic rule in India.

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