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Home » Book Back Question and Answers » Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science Books English Medium Great Thinkers and New Faiths

Samacheer Kalvi 6th Social Science Books English Medium Great Thinkers and New Faiths

Social Science : History : Term 2 Unit 2 : Great Thinkers and New Faiths

I. Choose the Correct answer

1. What is the name of the Buddhist scripture?

  1. Angas
  2. Tripitakas
  3. Tirukkural
  4. Naladiyar

Ans : Tripitakas

2. Who was the first Tirthankara of Jainism?

  1. Rishabha
  2. Parsava
  3. Vardhamana
  4. Buddha

Ans : Rishabha

3. How many Tirthankaras were there in Jainism?

  1. 23
  2. 24
  3. 25
  4. 26

Ans : 24

4. Where was the third Buddhist Council convened?

  1. Rajagriha
  2. Vaishali
  3. Pataliputra
  4. Kashmir

Ans : Pataliputra

5. Where did Buddha deliver his first sermon?

  1. Lumbini
  2. Saranath
  3. Taxila
  4. Bodh Gaya

Ans : Saranath

II. Match the Statement with the Reason/Tick the appropriate answer:

1. Statement : A common man could not understand upanishads

Reason: Upanishads were highly philosophical. .

  1. Statement and its Reason are correct.
  2. Statement is wrong.
  3. Statement is true, but the Reason for that is wrong.
  4. Both Statement and Reason are wrong

Ans : Statement and its Reason are correct.

2. Statement I : The Jatakas are popular tales. .

Statement II : Frescoes on the ceilings and walls of Ajanta caves depict the Jataka Tales.

  1. Statement and its Reason are correct.
  2. Statement is wrong.
  3. Statement is true, but the Reason for that is wrong.
  4. Both Statement and Reason are wrong

Ans : Statement and its Reason are correct.

3. Find out the correct answer:

Buddha Viharas are used for

1. Education2. stay of Buddhist monks
3. Pilgrims’ stay4. Prayer hall
  1. 2 is correct
  2. 1 and 3 are correct
  3. 1, 2, 4 are correct
  4. 1 and 4 are correct

Ans : Child marriage was in practice.

4. Consider the following statements regarding the causes of the origin of Jainism and Buddhism.

I. Sacrificial ceremonies were expensive.

II. Supertitious beliefs and practices confused the common man.

Which of the above statement (s) is/are correct?

  1. Only I
  2. Only II
  3. Both I & II
  4. Neither I nor II

Ans : Both I & II

5. Which of the following about Jainism is correct?

  1. Jainism denies God as the creator of universe.
  2. Jainism accepts God as the creator of universe.
  3. The basic philosophy of Jainism is idol worship.
  4. Jains accept the belief in Last Judgement.

Ans : Jainism denies God as the creator of universe.

6. Circle the odd one:

Parsava, Mahavira, Buddha, Rishaba

Ans : Buddha

7. Find out the wrong pair:

  1. Ahimsa – not to injure
  2. Satya – to speak truth
  3. Asteya – not to steal
  4. Brahmacharya – married status

Ans : Brahmacharya – married status

8. All the following statements are true of Siddhartha Gautama except:

  1. He is the founder of Hinduism.
  2. He was born in Nepal.
  3. He attained Nirvana.
  4. He was known as Sakyamun

Ans : He is the founder of Hinduism.

III. Fill in the blanks

1. The doctrine of Mahavira is called _____________.

Ans : Triratnas

2. _____________ is a state of freedom from suffering and rebirth.

Ans : Moksha

3. _____________ was the founder of Buddhism.

Ans : Gauthama Buddha

4. Thiruparthikundram, a village in Kanchipuram was once called_________..

Ans : kinship

5. _____________ were built over the remains of Buddha’s body.

Ans : Sinpas

IV. True or False

1. Buddha believed in Karma.

Ans : True

2. Buddha had faith in caste system.

Ans : False

3. Gautama Swami compiled the teachings of Mahavira.

Ans : True

4. Viharas are temples.

Ans : False

5. Emperor Ashoka followed Buddhism.

Ans : True

III. Match the following:

1. AngasVardhamana
2. Mahaviramonks
3. BuddhaBuddhist shrine
4. ChaityaSakya muni
5. BhikshusJain text

Ans : 1 – D, 2 – E, 3 – A, 4 – B, 5 – C

VI. Answer in one or two sentences:

1. What are the Triratnas (three jewels) of Jainism?

Triratna (Three Jewels) of Jainism are

  • Right Faith
  • Right Knowledge
  • Right action.

2. What are the two sects of Buddhism?

  • Hinayana
  • Mahayana

3. What does Jina mean?

Jina means conquering self and the external world.

4. Write any two common features of Buddhism and Janism.

  • Both denied the authority of Vedas
  • Both opposed blood sacrifices

5. Write a note on Buddhist Sangha.

  • Sangha, meaning ‘association’ for the propagation of Buddha’s faith.
  • It was formed to propagate Buddha’s faith.
  • The members were called Bhikshus (monks).
  • They led a life of austerity.

6. Name the Chinese traveller who visited Kancheepuram in the seventh century AD (CE).

Hieun Tsang

7. Name the female jain monk mentioned in Silapathikaram.

Silapathikaram mentions that when Kovalan and Kannagi were on their way to Madurai, Gownthiyadigal a female jain monk blessed the couple and accompanied them

VII. Answer the following :

1. Name the eight-fold path of Buddhism.

The Eight Fold Path of Buddhism is given below

  • Right view
  • Right Thought
  • Right Speech
  • Right Action
  • Right Livelihood
  • Right Effort
  • Right Knowledge
  • Right Meditation

2. What are the five important rules of conduct in Jainism?

  • Ahimsa – not to injure any living beings
  • Satya – to speak truth
  • Asteya – not to steal
  • Aparigraha – not to own property
  • Brahmacharya – Celibacy

3. Narrate four noble truths of Buddha?

Buddha’s Four Noble Truths are given below,

  • Life is full of sorrow and misery.
  • Desire is the cause of misery.
  • Sorrows and sufferings can be removed by giving up one’s desire.
  • The desire can be overcome by following the right path (Noble eight-fold path)

4. Write any three differences between Hinayana and Mahayana sects of Buddhism?

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  • Did not worship idols or images of Buddha > Practiced austerity
  • Used Prakrit language


  • Worshiped images of Buddha
  • Observed elaborate rituals
  • Used Sanskrit language

5. Jainism and Buddhism flourished in Sangam period. Give any two evidences for each.

  • In ancient Tamil literature, Jainism is referred to as Samanam. There is a Samanar Hill or Samanar Malai in Keelakuyilkudi village, 15 km away from Madurai. The images of Tirthankaras created by Jain monks are found in the hill. It is a protected monument of Archaeological Survey of India.
  • There is a reference to Aravor Palli, place of living for Jain monks, in Manimegalai.
  • Buddhism spread to Tamil Nadu much later than Jainism. Manimekalai, one of the epics of the post-Sangam age is a Buddhist literature.
  • There is an elaborate description about Kanchipuram in classical epic Manimegalai

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