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Home » Book Back Question and Answers » Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Books A Childhood in Malabar A Memoir

Samacheer Kalvi 6th English Books A Childhood in Malabar A Memoir

English : Term 3 Unit 1 : Supplementary : A Childhood in Malabar: A Memoir


In Malayalam       In English                             

Edathi –                brothers wife                              

Ammamma –       mother’s mother                        

Muthassi –           father’s mother  

thekkini –            backyard

Ammayi –            mother-in-law

Cheriamma –       chitti (in Tamil)

A. Identify the character / speaker.     

1. “Why isn’t the snake coming?”. – The narrator

2. “I wonder whether it’s a cyclone.” – Ammamma

3. “I want to see kutti oppu.” – Malathikutty

4. “Will the house collapse?” – Muthassi

5. “Is she crazy?” – Muthassi

B. Write True or False

1. Droplets of rain glimmered on Ammamma’s face. True

2. Malathi kutty wanted to see kutti oppu. True

3. Ammayi comforted Malathi kutty when she sobbed. False

4. The coconut palm crashed down due to heavy rain. False

C. Choose the correct answer and write it in the blank.

1. Meenakshi Edathi was a _______ relative of the Ambazhathel family.

a. close

b. distant

c. real

2. We suddenly heard the sound of the rain from the __________ like a roar.

a. southeast

b. southwest

c. northeast

3. The ______ with four pillars began to over ow.

a. central hall

b. southern room

c. courtyard

4. __________ arrived drenched to the skin.

a. Ammaman

b. heriamma

c. Ammayi

5. There was knee-deep water in the ________

a. courtyard

b. cowshed

c. kitchen

Answer: l . b) distant 2. b) southwest 3. a) central hall 4. c) Ammayi 5. a) courtyard

D. Rearrange the following jumbled sentences in the correct order.

• The dry leaves that had collected around the pond swirled upwards.

• Branches shook and the seat of the swing fell down from the ilanji tree.

• The wind tore through the coconut palms in the southern compound.

• Meenakshi Edathi was a dark-skinned and middle aged woman.

• Without Meenakshi Edathi Ambazhathel family could not have existed happily for a single day.


• Meenakshi Edathi was a dark-skinned and middle aged woman.

• Without Meenakshi Edathi Ambazhathel family could not exited happily for a single day. 

• The wind tore through the coconut palms in the southern compound.

• The dry leaves that had collected around the pond swirled upwards.

• Branches shook and the seat of the swing fell down from the ilanji tree.

E. Find answers for the questions given below, identify the person and write a character sketch about her.

1. Who was the important person in the Ambazhathel family?

Meenakshi Edathi was the important person in the Ambazhathel family.

2. Why was she considered an important person?

She did all the household duties which were trivial. So she was considered an important person.

3. How did she spend her time?

She spent her time rushing around the house and compound without rest.

4. Describe her appearance and qualities.

Meenakshi Edathi was dark-skinned and middle-aged. She did all household work. She welcomed the oracle, lit all the lamps at dusk, churned the curd and drew designs on the door during Nira festival.

5. How would the days be without her?

It was difficult for the family to exist for a day without Meenakshi Edathi.

Character sketch

Meenakshi Edathi was the important person in the Ambazhathel family. She did all the household duties which were trivial. So she was considered an important person. She spent her time rushing around the house and compound without rest. Meenakshi Edathi was dark-skinned and middle-aged. She did all household work. She welcomed the oracle, lit all the lamps at dusk, churned the curd and drew designs on the door during 

Nira festival. It was difficult for the family to exist for a day without Meenakshi Edathi.

F. Think and answer.

I. Imagine that you are caught on a stormy day. How will you manage the situation?

First of all, I would stop getting scared. I would close all the windows securely. I’ll remove the cattle and pet animals to safer places away from the shed. With the help of the members in my family, I will lift essential things like rice, water, stove, kerosene, candles, match boxes, torch lights, first aid kit etc upstairs. I’ll keep them away from moisture. I shall also keep some other things on racks and tables above floor level. I’ll keep batteries ready. I’ll keep the ladder close to the roof. I’ll remain calm and listen to the radio about the weather and the relief work in progress.


G. Make a fact file on how do we use these resources in our day-to-day life.

* Solar energy

* Wind energy

* Hydro energy


H. Fill in the table given below.

I. During winter season many of us fall sick and suffer from, cough and fever. Put a () for the things you will do to keep fit.

1. Drink cold water. [   ]

2. Eat home-cooked food. 

3. I will visit the doctor. 

4.  Never wash my hands. [   ]

5.  I will take medicine and rest. 

J. Tick the correct word for the given icon.

i) rainy  cloudy [ ]

ii) windy [ ] sunny 

iii) windy  rainy [ ]

iv) thunder [ ] lightning 

v) rainbow  downpour [ ]


K. Relate the sentences with weather/ climate/ season and write the suitable  word in the blanks.

1.  Weather forecast is useful for farmers, fishermen, and navigators.

2. The climate of a place is permanent in nature. 

3. India has a tropical monsoon climate.

4. Spring, Summer, autumn and winter are the four seasons.

5. Global warming is a change in the world’s climate.

6. Satellite photographs help us predict tomorrow’s weather.

7. Spring is my favourite season.


e-links–> wiki> season.

  > wiki> S…

  > 25202-Sea…

books– Different Seasons – Stephen King

             A Book of Seasons – Alice Proven

ICT Corner

Conjunction Eater

To learn the usage of conjutions through Cinjuction Eater Game

Steps to Play the Game

1. Scan the QR or click the URL and open the game in the browser.

2. C lick ‘ P lay’ to start the game.

3. Read the instruc tions give n in ‘ H ow to P lay’ .

4. Y ou h ave to compete with the comput er f rog and gobble all the answers you c an  identif yi ng the correct conj unc tion which are written near the insects.

Language Activity

♦ Read a piece of article or the prose piece and pick out the conjunctions.

♦ Write your own sentences using the conjunctions.

Learning Outcome

* To now the types of conjunctions.

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* To use the conjunctions intencessen

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