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Home » Book Back Question and Answers » Samacheer Kalvi 3rd English Books Our Kitchen

Samacheer Kalvi 3rd English Books Our Kitchen

English : Term 1 Unit 1 : Our Kitchen


Our Kitchen

Hi ! I am Nila. I help in the kitchen. Do you?

Look and say







Cutting – board




Note to the teacher: Practise vocabulary using the picture. Ask the children to name the objects seen in the picture.



Rolling pin







Lemon squeezer


Let us sing


There once was a blender,

His name was Bender,

When no one was home,

He would come alive and roam.

All his friends would be there soon,

The knife, the fork and the spoon,

They would gather around,

And run all over the ground.

Soon everyone is glum,

Hearing the car – Vroom! Vroom!

They have to draw the line,

And wait until next time.

Note to the teacher: Sing the song with actions. Encourage the children to listen and do the actions first, then follow the song.

Let us learn

The Big Offer

Ramu runs a small restaurant that makes very tasty food. One day he gets an order to cook dinner for the biggest party in his town. However, he cannot cook because he is very sick. 

Ramu runs a small restaurant that makes very tasty food. One day he gets an order to cook dinner for the biggest party in his town. However, he cannot cook because he is very sick.

I feel terrible. I am not able to get out of the bed. But, if I don’t cook, who will?

I will help you. I will work with my friends and get the food ready for the party.

I am big enough to prepare rice for a party.

I am the fastest. I make food in minutes. I mix fruits and milk together. Then add a little sugar.

That will be a very tasty milkshake.

Just switch on the burner… Look at me fry and roast the food.

Here I am. Look at me slice and dice. Get ready my dear tomatoes, onions and chillies. Here I come.

My goodness! I can’t believe my eyes. The food for the party is ready. Who helped you all?

Thanks to all for the delicious food.

The recipe book was our chef for the day.

Note to the teacher: Read the story to the children. Encourage them to know the names of the utensils and its uses.

Let us understand

1. Circle / underline the right word.

knife / recipe book ; fork / spoon ; mixer / pot ; bowl / pan

2. Match the following.

3. Listen, think and write.

( Recipe book Ramu  food  delicious )

a. Who runs the restaurant?

Ramu runs the restaurant.

b. Who was the chef?  

Recipe book was the chef.

c. How was the food?

The food was delicious

d. Why was Ramu happy?

Ramu was happy because the food was ready.


Let us talk 

* Show a flashcard with the action word “stir”.

* Ask children “What do you stir?” with action.

* Make children answer,“I stir sambar.” with action.

* Repeat the steps with flash cards of action words like chop, pour and peel.

* Practise with all the children.

Let us practise

Show the actions and say it to your friend.

Look at the pictures and write the actions.

Let us do

* Make two sets of flashcards with words from the word wall.

* Divide children into two groups.

* Give one set of flashcards to each group.

* Say a word and ask the child with the word to raise their hand.

* The child who raises hand first, gets one point.

* The group with the most points at the end of the game wins.

* Practise with all the children.

Let us say

Listen to the sound and repeat.

oo as  in

Listen and repeat.

book  hook  good  nook     

foot  rook  cook  wool

wood  stood  look  shook       

Circle the words with oo.

good, foot, stood, look, cook, book, wood

Note to the teacher: First teach the sound \mho\ to the children. Then, introduce the letter clusters for the sound to the children. Help the children relate the sound to the letter cluster.

Let us do

• Make one set of flashcards.

• Make the children stand in a circle.

• Give one flashcard to each child.

• Ask any child to read the word in the flashcard.

• If they read correctly, they turn around, and the next child has to read.

• If a child is not able to read, then all children will turn back, and we start from the first child again.

• The game ends if all children in the circle have turned around.

• Practise till children can read the words easily.

Let us practise

Read it to your friend.

This is my book. 

I make toys with wood.

My dad likes to cook.

I shook his hand.

Fill in the blanks.

wood, rook, broom, brook

Let us use

We should always ask before doing anything. We can use “May I_____?” and “Can I _______?” to ask.

Circle Time Activity

* Divide the class into two groups.

* Display some objects on the table like a pen, pencil, book, note, etc.

 * Ask a child from one group to pick an object and ask “Can I use this pencil?”

* Make a child from the other group to answer “Yes, you can.” or “No, you cannot.”

* Practise with all children from both groups.

* Then, reverse the role of the groups and practise with all children.

Let us practise

May I….? go play sit  tell  take

Can  I…? ask read write eat open

Note to the teacher: Help the children add some suitable words like song, mango, storyetc…, to complete the permissions meaningful.

Rearrange the words to make sentence. Then say it to your friend.

tell may I a story ?

May I tell a story

I sing song a can ?

Can I sing a song

Let us know

Let us see how the clown counts the things.

He is confused. He cannot count the last one.

Do you think you can count ‘salt’? 

There are some things that we can count like,

There are some things we cannot count like,

Note to the teacher: Explain children that there are some things we can count and some things we cannot count. Encourage children to use many for things they can count and much for things they cannot count.

Look at the things below and tick ✔if you can count and cross × if you cannot count.

Read the words and tick () the correct box.

Let us read

The Two Pots

There are two pots, Mud and Brass.

Mud and Brass go to the river to play.

Brass said, “I will swim in the river but you cannot.”

Mud said, “Why?”

Brass said, “If you hit a rock you will break.”

Mud said, “Let me try.”

Mud and Brass start to swim in the river.

Brass said, “Let us swim deeper.”

Mud said, “No, let us go back to the river bank.”

Mud went back to the river bank. But, Brass went on.

Soon, the river was deep, and Brass was not able to swim.

“Help! Help!” said Brass.

Mud used a stick from the river bank to help.

After that, Mud and Brass do not play in the river.

They only play by the river.

Note to the teacher: This is a supplementary story. Encourage the children read the story on their own.

Let us think and do

Circle / underline the correct word.

river / sea  ; tape / stick ; pot / top

Tick (✔) Yes or No.   

1. There are two pots.  Yes[]  No[  ]

2. They play in a park.  Yes[  ] No[]

3. The mud pot saves the brass pot. Yes[]   No[  ]

Arrange the story in the correct order using numbers from 1 to 3.

Let us make

● Colour the pot brown.

● Colour the mixer red.

● Colour the pan black.

Note to the teacher: Read the instructions one by one. Encourage children to colour after listening to the instructions.

Big Picture

1.What is in the girl’s hand?

A key is in the girl’s hand.

2. What is in the boy’s hand?

A bat is in the boy’s hand.

3. What is on the wall?

 A clock is on the wall.

4. What is under the table?

A ball is under the table.

5. What is in the tank? 

Fish is in the tank.

6. What is on the sofa?

A pillow is on the sofa.

7. What is on the cupboard?

A flowerpot is on the cupboard.

8. What is on the hanger?

A shirt is on the hanger.

9. What is the colour of the wall?

The colour of the wall is yellow.

10. What is the time by the wall clock?

4’ o clock is the time by the wall clock.

Note to the teacher: Encourage the children to answer orally. Teach them to ask and answer questions with “What…?” Practise the structure contextually in the class.

I Can Do

1. Write the names of the utensils.

 ( Knife , bowl , mixer )

2. Read the sentence and write True (T) or False (F).

We cut with knife.   (T)

We mix with recipe book. (F)

We make milkshake with mixie. (T)

We fry with pan.  (T)

3. Match the word with picture.

4. Arrange the letters and write the correct word.

* Beat with a Whisk (khisw)

* Cut tiny pieces with grater (egratr)

5. Recite the poem ′Bender the Blender′.

6. Listen to the teacher and ask a question.

a. Ask a pen from your friend.

Can you give me your pen?

b. Ask a notebook from your brother/sister.

Can you give me your notebook?

7. Circle the odd one.

8. Write C for things you can count and U for things you cannot count.

Learning Outcome

Now I can…

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Note to the teacher: Ask children to colour the balloon when they achieve the learning outcome.

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