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Home » Book Back Question and Answers » Samacheer Kalvi 2nd Environmental Science Books English Medium The Pancha Bhutas

Samacheer Kalvi 2nd Environmental Science Books English Medium The Pancha Bhutas

Environmental Science : Term 2 Unit 4 : The Pancha Bhutas

Unit 4

The Pancha Bhutas

You will learn about

* Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Space

One day loud sounds were heard near the huge banyan tree. Earth, water, fire, air and space (the Pancha Bhutas) were quarrelling there about who was the most important of them all. Let us hear what they had to say.


“Without me, where can plants grow? 

Where can people build their houses and live? So, I am superior


“No, I am the best!

I occupy a major part of the earth

I am also a part of all living beings. 

Life is not possible without me “.


“No, no, I am the superior one because plants and people make food using me. I also provide heat and light to support life”.


“I am the air.

All living beings breathe me. Nobody can live without me. So, I am superior”.


“I provide a place for all of you.

The earth, the Sun, the moon and  the stars are all in me.

So, I am the most important”.

On hearing all of them, the banyan tree said, “No life is possible without any one of you. So, none of you is superior to the other”.

The Pancha Bhutas realised that all of them were necessary for life on earth. They stopped quarrelling and greeted each other happily.

The potter is making a pot. Shall we see how he makes it? Fill in the blanks with the words. (water, clay, air, fire, wheel)


The earth is the home for plants, animals and for all of us. We grow our food on the land. We move from place to place on the land and play on it. The land gives us all we need to make the different things that we use.

Avoid Using Plastic


Water occupies a major part of the earth. All living things in the world need water to live. We get water from the rain. Water is used to drink, cook, clean things, bathe, swim and grow crops. Can you swim? Learn to swim with the support of your elders.

Many kinds of plants and animals live in water.

Think Zone

Every drop of water is precious. Do not waste it.

Which is the right way to get more rain? Put a tick () in the box.

Fill in the blanks with the given words.

( road, tracks, field, play ground)


Observe and Discuss.

What do you see in these pictures?

Air is everywhere around us. We cannot see the air because it has no shape or colour but we can feel it. Without air, living things cannot breathe.

We can smell things and hear sounds because of air.

Birds and aeroplanes move in the air.

Moving air helps us in many ways.

To dry our wet clothes

To get electricity from windmills

Do you know? : During storms and cyclones the wind speed is very high. Cyclones damage our buildings and trees.

Note for the teacher: Explain precautions to be taken during natural disasters.


Early man discovered that he could make fire. He used it to get heat and light for his daily needs.

Today we also use fire to make a variety of things.


Space is that within which everything exists.

Put a tick () mark at the places where fire is being used.


1. Match the following.

2. Write the names of the Pancha Bhutas related to the pictures.

( Space, Air, Land, Water, Fire )

3. Where do you see the Pancha Bhutas in the picture? Circle and write their names.

( Space, Air, Land, Water, Fire )

4. Two Pancha Bhutas are shown in each picture. Choose the correct pair and fill in the blanks.

( water and soil, fire and water, water and air )

Ans : fire and water, water and air, water and soil

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Self Evaluation

I realise the importance of the Pancha Bhutas-earth, water air, fire and space and their role in my everyday life.

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