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Home » Book Back Question and Answers » Samacheer Kalvi 1st Environmental Science Books English Medium MY Wonderful Body

Samacheer Kalvi 1st Environmental Science Books English Medium MY Wonderful Body

Environmental Science : Term 1 Unit 2 : MY Wonderful Body


MY Wonderful Body

Learning Objectives

The learner should be able to

► Name the external parts of the body.

► Identify various senses through activities.

► Maintain personal hygiene.

Let us talk

We play, walk, run, hear, see, smell, taste and touch.

We can see some parts of our body but some others are within us, which we cannot see.

Some parts are in pairs. Can you name a few?

Let us learn names of some parts of our body with this rhyme.

Rhyme Time

Head, shoulders, knees and toes (2)

Knees and toes

Eyes and ears

Mouth and nose

Head, shoulders, knees and toes

Eyes, ears, mouth and nose

• Let us know our body parts.

• Connect the labels to the parts.

• Observe the pictures. Little Varun is moving his body in so many ways. Shall we try the same actions?

• What are some other actions that you can do with your body?

Some of our body parts are in pairs and some are single.

• Connect the paired parts to the number 2 and the single parts to the number 1.

• You can fold your arm and your fingers, wherever there are lines. Try it.

We experience different feelings like happiness, sadness, fear and anger.

We show these feelings with our facial expressions,  

Try making these expressions.

• Draw the facial expressions.

YOU KNOW? The giraffe has a long neck and the elephant has a long trunk

Rhyme Time

Right and Left

Let us sing this rhyme.

You put your right hand in

You put your right hand out

You put your right hand in

And you shake it all about

You do the Hai hai and

you turn yourself around

That’s what its all about!

Similarly do the actions with the left hand, right foot, left foot, head and then with your whole body.

• Colour the pictures on the right side red and the left side blue.

Each finger of your hand has a name. Do you know the names?

• Your thumbprint is special. Put your thumbprint in one of the boxes.

Ask your friend to put his/her thumbprint next to yours.

Do they look the same?

•Play the game “Raja Says” or “Rani Says” with your friends.

My Senses

I hear many sounds with my ears. Some sounds are loud and some are soft.

What are the sounds you hear every day around you? Which sounds do you like?

• Let us play a game.

Blindfold yourself. Let your friends move around you while they make sounds. Find the direction of the sound you hear. Identify your friends with their voices.

We see the world around us with our eyes. We see different shapes, sizes and colours.

• Observe the picture and discuss.

• Look at the shapes given below. Can we try the same shapes with our body?

We see and hear the world around us. We also use our senses of touch, smell, taste and to know the world around us.

There are different kinds of tastes like sweet, sour, salty and bitter. Our tongue helps us to taste.

The lemon is sour, the Mango is sweet and the bitter guard is bitter.

What do you like to eat?

YOU KNOW: Eagles, falcons and hawks can see small objects even from a great height.

Our nose can sense different types of smell.

What are the smells you like? What are the smells you don’t like?

• Go for a Nature Walk in your school campus.

Feel the plants and the soil.

Touch the flower. It is soft.

Touch the tree trunk. It is hard,

What are the things you like to touch?

• Blindfold your friend. Give your friend various things to smell, taste and feel and ask him/her to find out what they are.

A: Do You Know What it is?

B: Hey… I know… It’s lemon

YOU KNOW? A dog’s sense of smell is 40 times greater than that of a human.

Story Time

We should keep our hands clean. If we don’t, we will fall sick like Mala. Let us learn how to wash our hands properly. Do it step by step.

We must brush our teeth twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. Let us learn the right way of brushing our teeth. Practice all these routines daily.

• Healthy Washroom Routines.

After using the toilet (Wash room) wash yourself.

Pour water, Wipe your feet, Wash your hands with soap, Wipe your hands

Daily Routines

These pictures shows our daily routine. Arrange them in sequence.

Put a tick () mark to the things which helps to keep you clean.


Observe the picture and mark them based on the given instructions.

O Near the kite you see Answer: kite

☆ Near the objects which produce sound Answer: aran

 Near the objects with smell Answer: flower

Δ Near the objects which are tasty Answer: corn

 Near the objects people touch Answer: aran, corn, flower, ball, ear, rope

Some activities keep us healthy and some don’t. Tick (✓) the activities that keep us healthy and cross (X) those that do not.


I can name the parts of my body.

I can do many actions with my body.

I practise good habits to keep me clean.

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I know the names of my sense organs.

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