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Home » Book Back Question and Answers » Samacheer Kalvi 10th Social Science Books English Medium India Resources and Industries

Samacheer Kalvi 10th Social Science Books English Medium India Resources and Industries

Social Science : Geography : Chapter 4 : India – Resources and Industries

I. Choose the Correct Answer:

1. Manganese is used in ________.

  1. Storage batteries
  2. Steel Making
  3. Copper smelting
  4. Petroleum Refining

Ans : Steel making

2. The Anthracite coal has ________.

  1. 80 to 95% Carbon
  2. Above 70% Carbon
  3. 60 to 70% Carbon
  4. Below 50% Carbon

Ans : 80 to 95% coal

3. The most important constituents of petroleum are hydrogen and

  1. Oxygen
  2. Water
  3. Carbon
  4. Nitrogen

Ans : Nitrogen

4. The city which is called as the Manchester of South India is

  1. Chennai
  2. Salem
  3. Madurai
  4. Coimbatore

Ans : Coimbatore

5. The first Nuclear Power station was commissioned in

  1. Gujarat
  2. Rajasthan
  3. Maharashtra
  4. Tamil nadu

Ans : Maharashtra

6. The most abundant source of energy is

  1. Bio mass
  2. Sun
  3. Coal
  4. Oil

Ans : Sun

7. The famous Sindri Fertilizer Plant is located in

  1. Jharkhand
  2. Bihar
  3. Rajasthan
  4. Assam

Ans : Jharkhand

8. The nucleus for the development of the chotanagpur plateau region is

  1. Transport
  2. Mineral Deposits
  3. Large demand
  4. Power Availability

Ans : Mineral deposits

II. Match the following:

1. BauxiteCement
2. GypsumAircraft
3. Black GoldElectrical goods
4. Iron oreCoal
5. MicaMagnetite

Ans : 1 – B, 2 – A, 3 – D, 4 – E, 5 – C

III. Answer the following Questions briefly

1. Define the resource and state its types.

  • Any matter or energy derived from the environment that is used by living things including humans is called a natural resource.
  • The two types of resources are Renewable resources and Non – renewable resources.

2. What are the minerals and its types?

  • Mineral is a natural substance of organic or inorganic origin with definite chemical and physical properties.
  • Minerals are broadly grouped under two categories. They are metallic and non – metallic minerals.

3. State the uses of magnesium.

  • It is used for making iron and steel.
  • It serves as basic raw material for alloying.
  • It is also used in the manufacturing of bleaching powder, insecticides, paints and batteries.

4. What is natural gas?

  • It is naturally occurring hydro carbon gas mixture consisting primarily of methane, but commonly includes varying amounts of other higher alkanes. Sometimes it includes a small percentage of carbon dioxide, nitrogen and hydrogen sulphide.
  • It is formed when layers of decomposed plants and animals are exposed to intense heat and pressure over thousands of years.

5. Name the different types of coal with their carbon content.

Based on carbon content, coal is classified into the following type.

AnthraciteContains 80 to 90% carbon
BituminousContains 60 to 80% carbon
LigniteContains 40 to 60% carbon
PeatContains less than 40% carbon

6. Mention the major areas of jute production in India.

  • The major jute producing areas are in West Bengal and is concentrated along the Hooghly river.
  • Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Uttra Pradesh, Assam, Chhattisgarh and Odisha are the other jute goods producing are as.

7. Name the important oil producing regions of India.

  • Mumbai high oil fields.
  • Gujarat coast
  • Basseim oil field
  • Aliabet oil field
  • Ankleshwar
  • Cambay – Lumu region
  • Ahmedabad – Kalol region

IV Distinguish between

1. Renewable and non-renewable resources.

Renewable ResourceNon-renewable Resources
Renewable resources are the resources that can be regenerated after their utilisation.Non – renewable resources are the resources that cannot be replaced again after utilisation.
The time taken to renew differs from one resource to another.They are formed over a long geological periods.
Eg: Solar energy, Wind energy, Tidal energy, Bio gas, Wave energy, etc.Eg: Coal, Petroleum, Natural gas, etc.

2. Metallic and non-metallic minerals.

Metallic MineralsNon – metallic minerals
1. Metallic minerals contain one or more metallic elements in them.Non – metallic minerals do not contain metals in them.
2. Tron, Manganese, Copper, Bauxite, Nickel, Zinc, Lead, Gold, etc are the metallic minerals.Mica, Limestone, Gypsum, Nitrate, Potash, dolomite, Coal, Petroleum, etc are the non – metallic minerals.

3. Agro based industry and mineral based industry.

Agro Based Industry Mineral Based Industries.
Agro based industries draw their raw materials from agricultural sector.Mineral based industries use both metallic and non metallic minerals as raw materials.
The major agro based industry of the country is Cotton Textile industry.The major mineral based industry of country is the Iron and Steel industry.
Jute textiles and sugar industries are other agrobased industries.Cement industries and automobile industries are other mineral based industries.
These industries are located near the area of raw materials cultivation.These industries are located nearer to the areas where minerals are mixed.

4. Jute industry and sugar industry.

Jute IndustrySugar Industry
1. Jute is the raw material for jute industrySugarcane is the raw material for sugar industry
2. India is the largest producer of jute goods in the world.India is the second largest producer of sugarcane in the world
3. This is the second important textile industry in India after cotton textiles.This is the second largest agro based industry in India after cotton industry.
4. The major jute producing state in India is West BengalThe major sugar producing state in India is Uttar Pradesh.

5. Conventional energy and non- conventional energy.

Conventional EnergyNon Conventional Energy
1. It includes Thermal power and Nuclear power.It includes Hydropower, Solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy, wave energy etc.
2. Conventional energy sources are non-renewable.Non-conventional energy sources are renewable.
3. It pollutes the atmosphere.It does not pollute the atmosphere
4 Coal, petroleum and natural gas are sources of conventional energy.Water, sun-light and wind are sources of non-conventional energy.

V Answer the following in a paragraph

1. Write about the distribution of cotton textile industries in India.

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  • Textile is a broad term which includes cotton, jute, wool, silk and synthetic fibre textiles.
  • This sector in India has 3400 textiles mills with installed capacity of more than 50 million spindles.
  • Traditional sectors like handloom, handicrafts and small power loom units are the biggest sources of employment.
  • It is one of the sources of employment generation in our country.
  • Currently, India is the third largest producer of cotton and has the largest loom are and ring spindles in the world.
  • At present, cotton textile industry is the largest organised modern industry of India.
  • The highest concentration of textile mills in and around Mumbai, makes it as ‘Manchester of India’.
  • The major cotton textile industries are concentrated in the states of Maharashtra, Gujarat, West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.
  • Coimbatore is the most important centre in Tamil Nadu with 200 mills out of its 435 and hence called as “Manchester of South India”.
  • Erode, Tirupur, Karur, Chennai, Tirunelveli, Madurai, Thoothukudi, Salem and Virudhunagar are the other major cotton textile centres in the state.

2. Describe the major challenges of Indian industries.

Name of IndustryPlaceEstablishment YearProduct
Tata Iron and Steel Company (TISCO)Jamshedpur, Jharkhand1911Pig Iron
Indian Iron and Steel Company (IISCO)Burnpur,Hirapur, Kulti, West Bengal1972Pig Iron & Crude steel
Visweshwaraya Iron Steel Ltd (VISL)Bhadravati, Karnataka1923 Alloy and Sponge steel
Hisdustan Steel Ltd (HSL)Collaborated with RussiaBhilai, Chattisgarh1957Railway Equipments and Ship Building
Hindustan Steel Ltd(HSL)Collaborated with Germany Rourkela, Odisha1965Hot and Cold rolled sheets, Galvanized sheets and electrical plates
Hindustal Steel Ltd(HSL)Collaborated with United kingdomDurgapur, West Bengal1959Alloy steel, Construction materials and railway equipments
Hisdustan Steel Ltd(HSL)Collaborated with RussiaBokaro, Jharkhand1972Sludge and Slog
Salem Steel Ltd Salem, Tamil Nadu1982Stainless Steel
Vijayanagar Steel PlantTornagal,Karnataka1994Flat steel and Long Steel
Visakhapatnam Steel Plant (VSP)Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh1981Hot Metal

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