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Home » Book Back Question and Answers » Samacheer Kalvi 10th Social Science Books English Medium India Foreign Policy

Samacheer Kalvi 10th Social Science Books English Medium India Foreign Policy

Social Science : Civics : Chapter 4 : India’s Foreign Policy

I. Choose the Correct Answer:

1. Which Minister plays a vital role in molding foreign policy of our country?

  1. Defense Minister
  2. Prime Minister
  3. External Affairs Minister
  4. Home Minister

Ans : Prime Minister

2. The Panchaseel treaty has been signed between

  1. India and Nepal
  2. India and Pakistan
  3. India and China
  4. India and Sri Lanka

Ans : India and China

3. Which article of Indian constitution directs to adopt foreign policy?

  1. Article 50
  2. Article 51
  3. Article 52
  4. Article 53

Ans : Article 51

4. Apartheid is ________

  1. An international association
  2. Energy diplomacy
  3. A policy of racial discrimination
  4. None of these

Ans : A policy of racial discrimination

5. The Agreement signed by India and China in 1954 related to ________

  1. Trade and Commerce
  2. Restoration of normal relations
  3. Cultural exchange programmes
  4. The Five Principles of Co existence

Ans : The five principles of Co-existence

6. Which is not related to our foreign policy ________

  1. World co operation
  2. World peace
  3. Racial equality
  4. Colonialism

Ans : Colonialism

7. Which of the following country is not the founder member of NAM?

  1. Yugoslavia
  2. Indonesia
  3. Egypt
  4. Pakistan

Ans : Pakistan

8. Find the odd one

  1. Social welfare
  2. Health care
  3. Diplomacy
  4. Domestic affairs

Ans : Diplomacy

9. Non-Alliance means ________

  1. being neutral
  2. freedom to decide on issues independently
  3. demilitarisation
  4. none of the above

Ans : Being neutral

10. Non – military issues are ________

  1. Energy security
  2. Water security
  3. Pandemics
  4. All the above

Ans : All the above.

II. Fill in the blanks:

1. India conducted its first nuclear test at _______.

Ans : Pokhran

2. At present our foreign policy acts as a means to generate _______ for domestic growth and development.

Ans : Inward investment, business and technology

3. _______ is the instrument for implementing foreign policy of a state.

Ans : Diplomacy

4. _______ was India’s policy in the face of the bipolar order of the cold war.

Ans : The path of Non-Alignment

5. Our tradition and national ethos is to practice _______.

Ans : Disarmament.

III. Consider the following statement and tick the appropriate answer:

1. Arrange the following in the correct chronological order and choose the correct answer from the code given below.

(i) Panchsheel(ii) China’s Nuclear test
(iii) Twenty-year Treaty(iv) First Nuclear test of India
  1. (i), (iii), (iv), (ii)
  2. (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
  3. (i), (ii), (iv), (iii)
  4. (i), (iii), (ii), (iv)

Ans : i, iii, iv, ii

2. Which of the following is not about NAM?

(i) The term Non-Alignment was coined by V. Krishna Menon

(ii) It aimed to maintain national independence in foreign affairs by joining any military alliance

(iii) At present it has 120 member countries.

(iv) It has transformed to an economical movement

  1. (i) and (ii)
  2. (iii) and (iv)
  3. (ii) only
  4. (iv) only

Ans : (ii) only

3. Write true or false against each of the statement.

a) During Cold War India tried to form a third bloc of nations in the international affairs.

Ans : True

b) The Ministry of Home Affairs is responsible for the conduct of the country’s foreign relations.

Ans : False

c) The nuclear test at Pokhran was done under Subterranean Nuclear Explosions Project.

Ans : True

4. Assertion(A): India aligned with Soviet Union by the Indo-Soviet treaty on 1971.

Reason(B): This began with a disastrous Indo –China war of 1962

  1. A is correct and R explains A
  2. A is correct and R does not explain A
  3. A is correct and R is Wrong
  4. Both A and R are wrong.

Ans : A is correct and R is Wrong

5. Assertion(A): India has formal diplomatic relations with most of the nations.

Reason(R): India is the World’s second most populous country.

  1. A is correct and R explains A
  2. A is correct and R does not explain A
  3. A is wrong and R is correct
  4. Both are wrong

Ans : A is correct and R does not explain A

6. Avoidance of military blocs was necessity for India after political freedom. Because India had to redeemed from

  1. acute poverty
  2. illiteracy
  3. chaotic socio-economic conditions
  4. all the above

Ans : all the above

IV Match the following

1. Indian Ocean island1955
2. Land bridge to ASEAN1954
3. PanchsheelMaldives
4. Afro Asian ConferenceForeign Policy
5. World PeaceMyanmar

Ans: 1 – C, 2 – E, 3 – B, 4 – A, 5 – D

V. Give short answers:

1. What is foreign policy?

  • Foreign policy is the nation’s plan for dealing with other nations.
  • It can be defined as a country’s policy that is conceived, designed and formulated to safeguard and promote her national interests in her external affairs.
  • Trade, diplomacy, sanctions, defence, intelligence and global environments are the types of foreign policy.

2. Explain India’s nuclear policy.

  • Global non- proliferation has been a dominant theme of India’s nuclear policy since independence. So India supported UN disarmament programme.
  • Indian nuclear programme in 1974 and 1998 is only done for strategic purposes.
  • The two themes of India’s nuclear doctrine are
    • i) No first use
    • ii) Credible minimum deterrence.
  • It has decided not to use nuclear power for ‘offensive purposes’ and would never use against any non-nuclear state.

3. Differentiate: Domestic policy and Foreign policy

Domestic PolicyForeign Policy
1. Domestic policy is the nation’s plan for dealing issues within its own nation.Foreign policy is the nation’s plan for dealing with other nations.
2. It includes laws focusing on domestic affairs, social welfare, health care, education, civil rights, economic issues and social issuesTrade, diplomacy, sanctions, defence, intelligence and global environments are the types of foreign policy.

4. List any four guiding principles of Panchsheel?

The guiding principles of Panchsheel are

  • Mutual respect for each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty
  • Mutual non-aggression
  • Mutual non-interference
  • Equality and co-operation for mutual benefit
  • Peaceful co-existence

5. What was the reason for India to choose the path of Non-Alignment?

  • The new nations that got independence after the long period of colonial struggle found themselves in a very difficult situation with respect to economic development.
  • It was necessary to align with either of the blocs – United States of America (USA) or United Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR).
  • Jawaharlal Nehru, India’s first Prime Minister opposed to the rivalry of the two superpowers (America and Russia. So he chose the path of Non-Alignment.

6. List out the member countries of SAARC.

The member countries of SAARC are –

  1. Afghanistan
  2. Bangladesh
  3. Bhutan
  4. India,
  5. Nepal
  6. Maldives
  7. Pakistan
  8. Sri Lanka.

7. Name the architects of the Non-Aligned movement.

The architects of the Non-Aligned movement are

  • Jawaharlal Nehru of India,
  • Tito of Yugoslavia,
  • Nasser of Egypt,
  • Sukarno of Indonesia and
  • Kwame Nkumarah of Ghana

8. Mention the main tools of foreign policy.

  • Preservation of national interest
  • Achievement of world peace
  • Disarmament
  • Fostering cordial relationship with other countries
  • Solving conflicts by peaceful means
  • Independence of thought and action as per the principle of NAM
  • Equality in conducting international relations
  • Anti-colonialism, anti-imperialism, anti-racism

VI. Answer in detail:

1. Write a detailed note on Non — alignment.

  • The term Non – alignment was coined by V. Krishna Menon.
  • It has been regarded as the most important feature of India’s foreign policy
  • It aimed to maintain national independence in foreign affairs by not joining any military alliance.
  • It was the largest political grouping of countries in multilateral fora.
  • Non – aligned countries have been successful in establishing economic cooperation among the under developed countries.
  • It has transformed from a political movement to an economical movement.
  • Founders of Non — aligned Movement
  1. Jawaharlal Nehru of India
  2. Tito of Yugoslavia
  3. Nasser of Egypt
  4. Sukarno of Indonesia
  5. Kwame Nkumarah of Ghana

2. Discuss the core determinants of India’s foreign policy.

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  • Geographical position and size of territory.
  • Nation’s history, traditions and philosophical basis.
  • Natural resources.
  • The compulsion of economic development.
  • Political stability and structure of government.
  • The necessity of peace, disarmament and non — proliferation of nuclear weapons.
  • Military strength.
  • International milieu.

3. Make a list on basic concepts followed by India to maintain friendly relations with its neighbours.

  • Preservation of national interest.
  • Achievement of world peace.
  • Disarmament.
  • Fostering cordial relationship with other countries.
  • Solving conflicts by peaceful means.
  • Independence of thought and action as per the principles of NAM.
  • Equality in conducting international relations.
  • Anti colonialism, anti imperialism anti — racism.

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